Sunday, August 25, 2024



Instead of debating about real problems involving real people in large numbers (immigration, cost of mitigating climate change, wars, etc…) we are at the point where the low level weirdos in the conspiracy grift ecosystem are still making up stuff for engagement.  And a lot of that can be traced back to the top.  The former Weirdo in Chief is not known for caution before posting something extra weird for his loyal base to swallow whole and regurgitate into an even more unrecognizable partially digested stew.

A couple weeks beyond claiming an entire crowd of people is fake there is still a substantial focus on “proving” that Harris backing crowds are fake.  So the gematria crowd is gonna have to take a back seat for this one.  The Weird Shit in the Sky crowd is on point, and blurry pictures is something they are accustomed to.

I suppose on some level it could make a tiny bit of sense.  In theory, someone who is straddling a decision between voting Blue or Red could be influenced by accusations of cheating.  And that is all it is - accusations.  A baseless conspiracy straight from someone who has been separated from reality for quite some time. 

But trying to create a whole Crowdgate narrative is something really special.  Something above and beyond the call of duty, that not even gematria decode weird is up to the challenge.  Unlike nonexistent mules dropping of dead people’s votes at drop boxes, holograms/AI/CGI can’t actually vote.  So beyond influencing with a message of “Look how big our team is, join us in victory by voting with our super big fake numbers!”, there’s no actual benefit to be recognized.  If a hologram could actually press buttons, pull levers, fill out a voting application, etc… they would be far more qualified than a lot of people in the GOP.

But this reality of fake people not being able to vote is not a problem for your grifter interested only in short term quest for engagement outrage porn.  They would dearly love to see a full blown Crowdgate spectacle.  And the current content is extremely predictable in the course it’s taking, it’s not just enough to repost the original fake crowd accusation - one is not a truly loyal conspiracy puppet if you don’t try to outstupid the rival grifters.  And the reigning champ right now has an explanation for how fake crowds actually can vote.  They can actually fill out voter applications, press buttons, pull levers, and wear their proud little buttons, “I voted!”.  

Holograms live for fifty years.  A oddly specific quoted life span, so maybe the gematria decoders can add some value after all.  You don’t need to know who said that right now or where to find it.  Let’s save that up and wait to see if it takes off more or if this Crowdgate nonsense dies out and is forgotten.  (Also, frankly the video will be edited or deleted once the word gets out that something so weird was suggested).

In comparison to a Pizzagate this *should* be less likely to induce a real world problem.  The GOP being weird, drumming up support from baseless conspiracies that are stupid, weird, and sometimes dangerous are better known now.  We sure hope so.  The more people packed together in a small space means more moving parts for something to go wrong.  A political rally for either side has a lot more people than a pizza shop without a basement.  And you’re going to want people attending to be based in some semblance of reality as much as possible, at least for the next fifty years.

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