Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Know Your Gematria Junkie Personality - Ignorance Is Bliss


If you don’t know something, you don’t worry about it.  Which is something the gematria clique leaders enjoy in the qualities their followers display.  There’s no chance that Zach, the Gematrinator, or any other disinformation spewer is going to present a narrative that goes counter to the basic storyline.

If you have a decent vocabulary or access to a decent thesaurus it is incredibly easy for gematria critics to find a counter narrative.  Combine that with knowing the target audience quirks and you’re on your way to producing a good counterpoint.  Judging from the two chosen phrases this gematria critic (not me, but somebody at my skill level) has identified a pro Trump audience who has been fed the narrative of cleaning up the swamp and getting rid of all the NWO flunkies.  And the Freemasons are part of that group.  And there’s no good explanation as to why DONALD TRUMP and MASTER MASON match in nine different ciphers.

Matching across nine ciphers instead of just one or two is viewed as being far more meaningful.  It jumps out as being more magical than just A=<number> B=<same number> and the story stops there.  Mathematically speaking, such a match requires having A and B be the same number of letters like the 11 letters each here.

Most of the blissful ignorance in the gematria world centers around simply ignoring when A does not equal B.  In the four base ciphers RAINBOW=82,37,107,44. PUPPIES=102,39,87,33.  So no match, move on.  Unless your into it and want to try more ciphers, the prime number list, and Phraseshopping around for PUPPY instead of PUPPIES and the like.  Even if you were dead set on making a narrative connecting puppies to rainbows the failure isn’t attributed to the gematria being wrong or your belief in puppies being connected to rainbows.  Ignoring failure is par for the course, you never think to share the failure and boldly proclaim, “I’ve done my research and by golly, I can tell you that puppies and rainbows are not connected!”  Only the wins are posted.

And just by math, every once in awhile you’ll get two phrases that have more than one match.  Maybe even a clean sweep across the four base ciphers.  Then, you can count on that story getting spread around, maybe even one with long term staying power you can add to the archive of stories that superficially make a bit more sense.  Clickbait for the brand new audience members.

In addition to the happy multiple cipher matches a long list of words with the same gematriots is viewed as superior information, while in reality the math shows the blissful ignorance of gematria.  The longer the list, the more ciphers that were used to make that list means the more fails that need to be ignored to move on.  The development of languages has given gematria critics some neat tools to deal with this.  While PUPPIES and RAINBOWS can be easily dismissed, it’s a little bit tougher to get beyond when a direct antonym with matching gematria is presented.  I’ve covered antonyms a gazillion times here.  But something like DONALD TRUMP is a bit tougher but to crack as there’s no legitimate direct antonym of DONALD TRUMP.  Trust me though, even finding a convenient name like how BIDEN and TRUMP both equal 29 in reverse means next to nothing to these people.  They seem like opposites, but extreme mental gymnastics will be applied to justify the blissful ignorance.

And that’s where something like this nine cipher match and long lists come in.  Just focus on what the group has been trained to think is bad and what is good and flip them around.  SOCIETY OF JESUS=56, HUBBARD=56.  Then start screwing around or access a personal database if you’ve made one and start pumping every counterpunch you get that equals the target number.  This process is the closest thing to actual fun I get dealing with gematria lunacy.  I’m always on the lookout for a long list that may actually prompt me to post a direct reply on Twixter.

This doesn’t have to be mean spirited and mocking, it can be a tool for opening up genuine conversation.  Something like, “Hey, I realize you love Donald Trump.  I don’t, but I’m seriously doubting Joe Biden is the solution.  If you’re going to insist on all this going ho pro Trump stuff, can’t you just stick to some actual evidence?  Like what it is about his achievements and things like that?  Because according to the gematria he’s likely  a master mason.”  And then gauge their reaction from there.  Is it the doubling down on the crazy or did you strike a nerve.

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