Monday, July 22, 2024

Gematria Is a Waste of Time

We can at least turn this into a fun drinking game or a lottery or something.  So you may be asking, who is this guy?  This is Adam, known as the Illusion on his social media presence and Adam does gematria.  And he’s the subject of today’s example of me breaking the rule of not giving attention to people that are looking for their fifteen minutes of fame.

Adam is actually quite laid back and chill compared to Hubbard or Acquaviva.  He’s got that McConaughey vibe going on.  Just a good ole Christian boy talking about God’s love.  And grifting off sports picks.  Similar to Hubbard, he’s been known to take measures to cover up bad picks, the usual stuff like deleting comments posted by angry losers.  It’s called lying by some.  And there’s enough of it in the past he’s managed to earn a cute although very obvious nickname, The Delusion.  A search on Twixter can find comments like this one: 

Typical Shill Game commentary.  All the sports gematria decoders use the same format, what until the game is over and reverse engineer the magic decode to fit the events.  Or, throw out an actual resemblance of predicting in advance and suffer the consequences of being wrong.  Being wrong a lot.  Being wrong a lot while simultaneously promoting an image that your record is damn near 100%.  When other sports decoders find you lying about your track record, they WILL post your failure on the internet.  That could mean more clueless chumps waste money on your grift instead.

So if you’re asking yourself, “Is this just another simple reiteration of the basic format for sports gematria decode grifting or is there another point?”, I’m happy to announce there is.  Gematria is an appeal to pattern recognition, an opportunity for lesser minds to produce and reproduce a pattern.  It’s just not a meaningful pattern.  It’s pattern recognition on SSa system designed to reward  meaningless patterns while avoiding actual beneficial patterns.

The Delusion has been operating in the fringes of Zach’s shadow for years, often playing the Shill Game with him for market share of the grifting pie along the way.  Once you’ve been around for awhile like he has and your putting out videos daily or almost daily your internet presence and persona get stabilized and defined.  Things most people readily know about Adam, he’s a (probably fake) Christian who thinks stealing isn’t one of the Ten Commandments, he’s the leader of the soccer niche.  And his sports decoding format is stolen from the same way others before him have done.

Now if you want to learn about a potentially useful piece of pattern recognition you can use his videos as an example.  I’ve already repeated his basic format twice in this post.  Repetition is a powerful reinforcer.  Going for number three here, our Christian soccer fan that grifts on the internet repeats his introduction frequently.  It’s subtle enough I’m not even sure he’s aware he does it.  And I’ve thrown out a couple of clues already foreshadowing the reveal.

While Zach starts every video with an expected, “Welcome back truth seeker…”, The Delusion announces quite frequently how long he has to dedicate to his generous and oh so meaningful decode.  Often his excuse or reason for an ending time is part of his online persona - he needs to coach soccer.  Other times it’s a friend coming over or no reason given at all.

And it’s almost always wrong.  Not just wrong, but he runs way over the time allotment more often than being within a reasonable proximity to the stated exit time.  The screenshot at the top, within the first ten seconds he announced he’s got “about an hour” for his nearly three hour presentation.  And he goes over his stated expiration time a lot.  An awful lot.  Meaningful analysis and pattern recognition beyond the gematria numbers reveals that YouRube (not a typo) videos are more important than deadlines, like family gatherings, appointments, romantic partners, going to church or coaching soccer.  Wow, it’s almost like he’s got an agenda behind putting out gematria disinformation instead of helping others, imagine that.

There is a pretty big backlog of old videos that run overtime.  Some people remember Zach having a coffee company sponsorship for about a week, which when they found out about the vitriolic content they dropped him and he edited the proud announcement of the sponsor out of the video content.  And it’s not a comment that YouTube content creators can delete, which they do all the time and blame it falsely on YouTube censorship.  Pretty much the only fix available is to scrub the whole channel and start fresh.  And it’s unlikely he cares enough to address this and inertia will have him keep being wrong, at least regarding the old material.  There is a decent chance that going forward the time wasted allotment announcement will be dropped from the introduction.

So, Mom’s and Dad’s that hear the, “He’s the real deal, not like this guy, that guy or these other shills.”  Nope, just another time wasting money sucking leech.

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