Monday, July 29, 2024

Assorted Items

This is intended to add to or throw together miscellaneous thoughts not worthy of an entire post.

NPC Theory
The A Glitch in the Matrix documentary is really just talking about the extreme form of existentialism.
As usual for conspiracy theory talk it’s gussied up with catchy modern era Matrix computer talk to appeal to everyone that knows the hip lingo like “red pilled”.

Trump (Christianity 1)
In a speech Donald said, “I’m not a Christian.”  And the low level think tanks I follow lost their minds over it.  Instead of assessing whether it was a slip of the tongue or if it was fully intentional they do what good little conspiracy hoaxers do best.  Argue over whether he said “I’m a Christian” or “I’m not a Christian”.  The undoctored footage pretty clearly shows the “not” was thrown in there.  Originally the Qanon lore was Trump as a sort of secret agent that was going to drain the swamp of the evildoers without the Messiah part that’s popped up more and more over time.  Days later they will not let it go and comments are still doing petty squabbling among supposed friends.

Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony (Christianity 2)
At least the supposed friends agree on this.  The opening ceremony, likely intended to represent Dionysius and a pagan festival was misinterpreted as The Last Supper.  I say likely because there is a chance the creator of the ceremony had in mind sneaking in something offensive on purpose, like a gory horror movie pushing the limits on what they can get away with and still have a PG rating.  In any event, conservative right wing talking heads latched on to it, an apology was made and the stink is dying down.  It’s unlikely a bold, flashing neon sign messaging FEAST OF DIONYSIUS displayed at the start would have changed a thing.  If something can be misinterpreted, it will be misinterpreted.  Just look at gematria.

The Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment
Just like the Dunning Kruger experiments are repeatable, even within the murky science of psychology this now considered to be a classic experiment is repeatable.

More so than the other topics here this may get an entire post of its own in the near future.  Even when an obvious objective choice is available, people will buckle to peer pressure at an alarming rate.  Factor in wrong answers with an agenda and the lack of critical thinking skills in the target audience.  Wow.

The Sun God Ra

The head not being a bird is wrong, the weapon is wrong, the continent of origin is wrong.  Not any real big deal, but it just goes to show how facts and details  don’t matter to these people.

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