Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Generosity Is Underwhelming


If you’re into that kind of thing the newest SportsGematria video was just uploaded.  One of the things I appreciate about the content is how boring it is.  It’s essentially duplication of the same story over and over again.  Ordinarily this is a bad thing as a person’s individual life is a constant struggle to finance necessities as well as overcoming how mind numbingly boring things can get.  I’ve already seen a zombie movie like this, why watch another one?  I’ve already read the Twixter timeline of someone that declares themselves a knowledgeable political pundit, yet the content remains simply “Fuck Joe Biden” or “Fuck Donald Trump” every single day.  I’ve already heard that the world is supposed to have ended every day for the last several thousand years yet here we are again still struggling with the struggle and bored with the boredom.

Putting aside personal thoughts you can focus on what’s going on with others.  (It’s called empathy, you should try it some time). And one of the core values of Hubbard’s content is approaching every presentation as if the audience is brand new.  Every single sports season other than the NFL is advertising for what’s going to happen with the next NFL season.  Simply, football is way more popular for gambling purposes than the other major sports.

SportsGematria and I share the quality of recognizing that you never know exactly who is going to get involved with gematria sports grifting for the first time.  And as boring as it may be for us we have a mission to keep critical content out there because in the world of cognitive biases recency bias affects what people watch and absorb.  Finding a years old story of Zach lying about picking something wrong does not hold as much weight as finding a video made today about Zach lying about something years ago.

The Zach go to content that is not incredibly repetitive is the angry rant, since that’s what bigots and narcissists excel at.  The SportsGematria content has a collection of hypocrisy that is mind boggling in its scope and hatred.  And at times Zach has to downplay and excuse his way out of that behavior, which always comes out as sounding hollow and insincere for those who know him and his schtick.  But remember, there are newcomers out there with no real clue.  And they are faced with a major shift in Zach’s apparent desperation.  Inflation, upping the cost to find truth and some semblance of fun to combat the boredom of the daily picking both teams before the game or inserting the winning narrative after the game is complete and pretending you picked it all along.  That “fun” is the daily and weekly contests offered if you sign up to the Patreon at $20 a month.

An office football pool where 100% of the entries is awarded is fine.  As soon as you take a fee out to administer the pool that’s not ok.  But you’ll be ignored by the authorities if you keep it small because “everyone else does it”.  And the newcomers need to understand ASAP that they chance of an actual payoff is compounded  by the track record of the not so legal gambling activity.  So far I’ve only seen videos of weekly winner announcements, where the winner isn’t even announced by name but solely by the area code of their registered phone number.  And so far in defiance of human nature there’s been no bragging in YouTube video comments about winning.  Basically, we have no idea exactly how many people have or will be coughing up $20 a month and if there will be an actual payoff to an actual human not named Zachary Hubbard.  Lack of transparency and accountability is the hallmark of big time grifting.  Why should small time grifting be any different if “everybody does it”?

Well, not everybody does it in the same manner.  Some can focus simply on the sports and leave the more questionable content out.  The gematria decoders who brag about finding that connection and announcing their pick the week before the Super Bowl, good for you.  But is it really a good time in your life to start putting some serious coin into:

Death threats, promotion of suicide, racism, homophobia, and arbitrary scapegoats


You don’t need to pay money to enjoy those things if your lack of empathy dictates you do actually enjoy those things.  My next analysis of an old YouTube content creator will delve more into what goes wrong with hanging with Zach long term.

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