Saturday, June 1, 2024


Does the fuzzy pretend math of gematria bother you?  Are you not swayed by grift from someone who wasn’t already a celebrity before going bonkers?  Are you tired of old news and overused scams like the Gematrinator hinting at tax evasion with a Trump conviction post?

  Terryology  might just be what you need.  Because it’s so bat shit crazy that it makes even the most forced and weird gematria decodes look like the work of a calm genius.

The mainstream media reporting on Terryology all follows the expected pattern.  The creator is Terrence Howard.  He is known for being Rhodey in the first Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man movie and Empire.

And he thinks 1x1=2.

And he doesn’t just lay that out there without any backup, there’s some fake math behind a proof that every mathematician and scientist and reasonably intelligent person that ever lived instantly dismisses. 

There’s a large amount of time and effort put into debunking and refutation of the idea.  These make for fun little videos with clips of Terry actual saying batshit things and then commenting on those.  I suppose if I tried to dumb it down I would start with if 1x1=2, then what exactly does 1x2 or any 1x number other than one equation equal to?  But I feel it unnecessary since the debunkers miss the point.  Like your standard gematria guru any attention is good attention, even if it’s bad press.

Outwardly there are red flags that there’s the framework for some actual grift going on.  His career had faltered including not reprising his role in the Iron Man sequels, perhaps not willing to accept the massive pay cut.  Doubling down on the Terryology math at every opportunity.  And that Uganda thing.  What’s that about?

The Uganda thing is in the Terryology link above, early in this post.  It deserves a bit more attention simultaneously with it not being worthy of more attention.  On the surface it appears to be legitimately priming the pump for grifting off the Ugandan government, despite the claim that “financing is already in place”.  It also seems like he watched the Spider-Man movie with Mysterio and merged the drones plot line into his fuzzy math leading to even fuzzy flight technology.  And merges Iron Man armor suit flight technology and tiny African nation of Waianae being a technological super power plot lines into it.  Merging that into real life not getting enough attention activity (retiring, unretiring, retiring again) it plays out like a live action role play of unoriginal stolen plot lines.

Don’t misunderstand that I’m suggesting Terry himself is grifting off this.  He could be, but my scales too towards just attention seeking now.  But these insane concepts get merged into real life in a familiar pattern.  Somewhere out there somebody is finding old baseless conspiracy material and thinking that a scammer lifestyle is just the thing for them.  And they have a golden example of a story that’s got a lot of wrongness to it and figures out how others take advantage of it.

Random YouTube comment thread about Uganda or bad math or flight.  Someone brings up Terryology.  Someone else (grifter) brings up how stupid it is.  Grifter brings up slightly more lucid argument(s).  Someone else reading thread bites at the bait, and gets courted to part with their money.

The old misinformation doesn’t die and go away, it stays out there just waiting in the wings for someone to tweak it and adapt it to current events.  It becomes a part of the deliberately wrong misinformation stockpile with an unknown half life.

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