Monday, June 24, 2024

“Decades In Advance”


A semi regular reminder that even sports decoding with gematria is not so innocent.

To save you the research if you don’t want to dig on your own, the original poster is a tiny account.  He’s @‘d Jake and hashtagged in gematria with his comment and we have that lucky shortcut to know he doesn’t believe in real evidence.  Jake Shields is a former MMA fighter with almost 700,000 Twixter followers.  He regularly exercises his free speech with some specific comments about his dislike for the way the U.S. government is handling the ongoing wars.  Jake also believes there’s a worldwide conspiracy to control humanity.

There’s a reason that the claim is made that something was planned “decades in advance.”  A perfectly valid option (not necessarily the best) is to be something like a conspiracy agnostic.  If it doesn’t matter, it’s all planned in advance this super powerful shadowy cabal will make it work anyway.  But because gematria gets thrown into the mix we know that there’s predicting going on.  And it works out so incredibly rarely that for all practical purposes it’s got a zero percent success rate.  But that doesn’t mean that in our current culture of not educating people on the basic critical thinking skills to survive on social media they don’t try to predict.  There is a substantial amount of prediction using gematria going on in Qanon circles now.  There was an absolutely ludicrous amount of prediction going on for the 2016 and 2020 elections with gematria.  So warm up those keyboards and smartphones and get cracking on your prediction, because nobody has been right before and you might just be the chosen one, Neo.

It doesn’t matter who is president from a gematria standpoint.  Based on gematria, every single news story can be tied into a negative or positive political pundit propaganda piece, with or without alliteration.  But let’s focus on the “decades” claim.  And since it’s convenient and still popular use DJT as the example.

The problem with the claim is the approach to the after the fact decode attempt to disguise the post game analysis as a prediction.  45 (POTUS #45) and 88 are popular Trump gematriots.  Additionally, never forget that smear campaigns are more effective so any negative thing about a popular non republican politician is a good target number.  And the wording will be.

“What are the odds?  It can’t be a coincidence.  A perfect script for President #45 because xxx=45.”

There is only one U.S. President #45.  Good.  You’ve singled it out.  But let’s substitute TRUMP=88.

“What are the odds, MEXICANS=88 just like TRUMP=88.  The border crisis is a perfect match for Trump, this was planned decades in advance.”

Which requires that Spain developed into being Spain, the Spanish language becoming the Spanish language, deciding to name the new territory Mexico, and everyone calling the people Mexicans instead of something else like Mexicots.

And it requires the Trump family name to develop into that name.  Just the right amount of planning to have the right ancestors to produce that little baby DJT.  And to have actually named him Donald instead of Ruben for other name decodes that are also perfect.  And for him to not be socialized properly mostly by being born wealthy to create the man today.

And his enemies had to have the exact same lives purposefully orchestrated to be the perfect match for enemy gematria activity.

It took way longer than decades in advance for all this to work.  Now instead of just the impossible math of a large number of conspirators and the impossibility of keeping it quiet while doing evil empire things, the entire world and the entire history of the planet was in on it.

With one exception.  The only person who doesn’t know about the conspiracy is the unlucky person who just found out recently that there’s been everyone else doing a Truman Show on him.  And watch as he proves he didn’t find out he’s the only one not in on the cosmic joke as he does more gematria decoding, claiming he’s enlightened when he’s suffering the massive cognitive dissonance of being the only actual puppet.

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