Thursday, May 23, 2024

Return of the Incompetent Evil Empire

They told Vern down in R&D to knock it off on the tornado weapon, but the bastard just never listens.  The movie is supposed to come out first for predictive programming, not the other way around.

There’s a couple advantages of a gematria lifestyle to focus on here.  Even if your social media profile continually spews out misinformation, everyone learns to expect something stupid.  So it can always be claimed that any given post was just a joke.  Or an Ambien related misstep.  It doesn’t matter that commenters on this will take it seriously and join in with their thoughts.  And related, notice we don’t have any actual gematria.  Weather warfare topics are great for cross pollination across the crank magnetism spectrum.  Yak away about vaccines killing people, throw in a weather warfare post even if it’s off topic.  Bad weather, even extreme bad weather, happens somewhere every day.

The evil empire has really outdone itself for incompetence this time.  Not even halfway through the year and there’s seven storms already that each cost over a billion dollars.  The original, even though it was the second highest grossing film that year, only took in half a billion total.  That’s one fucking expensive ad to constantly kill people and ruin lives for a movie.  Sure some of the damage is other not a tornado…excuse me… not a weather warfare tactical cyclone related damage, but wind is pretty energetic and blows stuff around a lot.  Everywhere.  Oh no!  Hail in Colorado killed livestock!,-By%20Dillon%20Thomas

If they put that, or kill off a puppy in the movie, I’m boycotting it.

Let me explain the masking process to you.  It’s convoluted because it’s happened over a long time.  Starting with what you are SUPPOSED to think about the T.O.P. story of the day.  T.O.P. = Tornado Outrage Porn.  Your artificially manufactured scapegoat is the government, who are the puppets of an evil cabal that is playing around with energy weapons.  They use these to ruin your life, because you need to donate money to a sports betting Patreon or buy somebody’s magic healing crystals instead of getting vaccinated because your government doesn’t care about you.

Now, the reality.  Yes, your government doesn’t care about you, because it doesn’t function right because of pitfalls and road blocks instead of proper regulation with checks and balances.  People who have money like to have even more money.  And they’re willing to spend a little of their stash to keep the gravy train flowing.  Within the framework of government money and rich people there is something called insurance.  Insurance’s job is to  cover you in times of need deny your claim by any means possible and keep the money you gave them.  Rich people also like burning fossils fuels because industrial automation is way more efficient than human labor.  Mistreated human labor, aka economic slaves, get pissed off easily, too.  Burning fossil fuels for a long time has screwed up the entire global weather patterns, which includes making lots and lots of wind.  Wind breaks stuff.  Insurance won’t pay for it all.  Your evil government has a bad day and tries to step in and mitigate the damage.  This makes insurance look bad. So they push internet grifters into climate change denialism so they can block regulations in the future to keep burning more fossil fuels.  And your sports bets are still only right 50% of the time while all the money you wasted on insurance premiums is 100% gone.

A quick translation is:  The tornado nonsense is anti science rhetoric from a petty grifter.  If you want anything resembling real information, ignore that account and look elsewhere.  And we’re screwed as a planet.  Not like totally destroyed as a species screwed, just things in the future are going to be really, really, really expensive we can’t pay to fix it because nobody wants to spend the money on fixing it screwed.

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