Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Libertarian (and Gematria Immune)Asteroid

I also have my moments of synchronicity that make me wonder what kind of incompetent evil cabal is toying with me.  Fairly recently I covered the fascism in the first Tom Baker episode of Doctor Who, Robot.  Since I’m rewatching all the Baker episodes in order, usually one a night, I’ve been in the middle of, The Pirate Planet.  Taking a much needed break from ruining my eyes by jamming them too close to a smartphone I went to see the King/Godzilla movie while it was still in theaters.  Spoiler alert:  Its a King Kong movie that happens to have liberal amounts of Godzilla as a plot device for whats’s going on. 

Movie theaters have a rudimentary algorithm.  If you buy a ticket for Evil Dead Rise you get trailers for other horror movies.  If you buy a ticket for King/Godzilla you get CGI laden sci fi movie trailers.  So the next Planet of the Apes movie trailer was up first.  With a clear message that the plot involves how humans plundered and screwed up their planet with technology they couldn’t keep up socially.  The Whovian Pirate Planet travels around the universe plundering planets for raw materials since what’s left of it has no mineral resources of its own.

And… being a good little mindless sheep somewhat empathetic chap that doesn’t mind following a simple not harmful to me rule I accepted the suggestion to turn off my phone during the course of the movie and when it was turned back on my notifications gave me this story:

Let’s all plunder some asteroids and get rich.  The stories of Psyche and other mineral rich asteroids have been around awhile.  And the idea of mining them has been around for awhile.  It wasn’t the old Smithsonian and other articles I was notified.  It was this one:

The economic bullshit idea that everyone on earth could be a billionaire just by mining asteroids.  Within the plot of The Pirate Planet is the declaration of a new age of prosperity where everybody gets diamonds, rubies, and other Earth style precious gems as well as made up sci fi minerals for plot points.  It is correctly hinted at that economically this doesn’t work.  Everybody being a billionaire doesn’t magically make somebody figure out a way to, oh just a wild and crazy libertarian disaster thought, produce food or get rid of sewage.

This kind of scientifically and reality ignorant story brought on by media that only cares about the fun side of the story is the way climate change denialism got boosted.  “Oh, we don’t need to worry about feeding 10 billion people.  Some scientist will figure out fusion energy and everyone will be a billionaire and buy all the food they need.”

Fortunately, after briefly considering throwing my phone in the trash I distracted myself with the fascinating gematria aspects.  This should not surprise you as I spent way too long blabbering about the synchronicity and coincidental nature of my day.

The story is presented as Psyche being estimated to be 10 quintillion dollars.  How long would text have to be to reach a gematria value of 10 quintillion?

We do know they would cheapen it by immediately doing gematria of the word QUINTILLION.

If a four digit number is too long for these clowns to legitimately match with “normal” ciphers, there’s no way 10 quintillion would ever get on the radar screen.  And of course, 10 quintillion is just a 1 followed by a bunch of zeros.  So it would be 1 following the drop all zeros rule.  Except they’d probably make it 10 and just drop all but one zero because if you’re not doing your evil empire gematria by being a total fucking hypocrite, you’re not doing it right.  Maybe a career in writing news stories about mineral rich asteroids would suit you better.

No, I want to know how long the text would be for, say, ordinal cipher - the original, to make a total of quintillion without alteration.

The average word length is about 5 letters:,English%20tweets%20is%204.79%20characters.

The average length of a novel in number of words is about 100,000:,sit%20between%2070%2C000%2D120%2C000%20words.

The average value for gematria of a letter is somewhere around the middle of the extremes, so let’s call it (1+26)/2=13.5

90,000 x 5 x 13.5 = 6,075,000 for the ordinal gematria value of an average novel

(Alternatively Gone With The Wind is 426,590 words long if you want to think bigger.)

For conscience lets round a reasonable full length gematria value to 6 million.

10 quintillion/6 million = 1 2/3rd billion novels.  

And now let’s call that a pound a book in weight:,How%20Much%20Does%20the%20Average%20Book%20Weigh%3F,the%20book's%20format%20and%20dimensions.

And compare that to the Guinness Record for heaviest object, 4.86 million pounds:,in%20at%204.86%20million%20pounds.


A long and light hearted way of saying there’s no way that a statistically significant and eye opening gematria value will never appear and that’s why it’s all about making it is tiny as possible.

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