Friday, April 19, 2024


Despite their bluster and overbearing sense of self importance, a lot of gematria accounts on Twixter prefer to be a badass while being hidden behind a handle instead of using their real name.  Because nothing says trust in your “evidence” like being a keyboard warrior named GematriaKing666.  Ultimately you don’t really need to know their true identity- misinformation is misinformation regardless of the source.  But it would be nice to know if the source is someone has the balls to put out to the world that they are also bold enough to expose themselves to journalistic scrutiny.  GematriaKing666 is likely to just jump on a bandwagon and spread others content.  A person using their real name is the creator of that content.  GematriaKing666 is a hybrid, bridging the gap between bot copy and paste and true believing but clueless human activity.

SIWOTI - Someone Is Wrong On The Internet.  SIWOTI on a daily basis.  Somewhere out there is someone who is cosmically, mind bogglingly, horrifically terrifying wrong.  Real human beings are wrong.  And part of the reason they are wrong could be that some thing, not a real living person, has helped push them into being wrong on a regular basis.  The power of the Attaboy! TM.

And the power of the positive reinforcement for being wrong manifests in the protection of the herd.  The others who are consistently wrong hanging up to bash those that dare try to help them by explaining actual facts.  Traditionally SIWOTI relates how someone is on a mission to correct the injustices and factual errors on the web.  Facts don’t care about your feelings.  But grifters sure do.  And the SIWOTI warriors fall for the trap all the time.  Every once in awhile an unlucky, green and new SIWOTI warrior gives more oxygen to the fire.  Having fallen for the trap of reverse trolling.
The amateur SIWOTI warrior needs a tweak to be a more effective critic.  Target selection.  The grip the gematria clique leaders have is elevated to full grown cult leader status where one of the key features is that whatever they say is wrong but is eternally viewed as not being wrong.  SIWOTIATDFC.  Someone is wrong on the internet and they don’t fucking care.  And these people are working on being your elected officials.

Attacking the lowest level of the MLM scheme has little effect.  Doing here exactly what you should not do, they simply don’t have the critical thinking skills to figure out what’s wrong.  Convincing people who do have those skills, the people that do care what’s going on in the world, the people that see the Alex Joneses, Marjorie Taylor Greenes, George Santoses, Zachary Hubbards,etc… for what they are.  That’s a SIWOTI warrior demographic to strive for.  Adding your voice to others who based on the things they say on the internet and the manner in which they say them you get the correct sense that they are smarter than average, know what they are talking about and deserve support.

You can find them on Twixter if you look for them.  They also have cliques because it’s more effective to concentrate on a singular topic than to spread the love around too thin.  They do network with each other, but you can find a genuine expert if you need one for all the main baseless conspiracy theory topics:  extremism and hate speech, flat earth, gematria, homeopathy, anti-vaxx, Qanon, etc… All the big name players have the negative content about them posted openly about them instead of being targeted at that followers.  A lot of the content is geared towards the injustices served upon the grifted by their masters and how to successfully deconvert them before it’s too late.  Over the last few years there’s an uptick in the spread of awareness on the grifter method of operation.  Change the bad movie that the griftees are watching.  Get them to hire a plumber for their plumbing problem instead of an electrician - finding a genuine and empathetic expert instead of just someone who is SIWOTIATDFC who will just give a meaningless Attaboy.

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