Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Gematria Education


It’s about freaking time, a new gematria cipher that at least makes some kind of sense.  And it seems inevitable when considering the other option on what to do with prime numbers of composite numbers.

What they would like you to think is that somehow this also alleged mystical cipher had been floating around for ages as another form of esoteric occult knowledge.  That picking a single or maybe the four base ciphers isn’t enough for you to match up virtually everything in your daily lives.  (And you really only do need just a few).  But now that there’s someone who’s been around a couple of rodeos already uncovered it maybe you need to upgrade your thinking to include this new magic spell into your spell book.

Composite numbers are and the cipher could be called, Not Prime Numbers.  Although Primes as a cipher has been around for awhile, the main use of prime numbers has been always as a list.  For example, 89 is the 24th prime number.  Used in a cipher x or c is 89 by itself, and even short words can get really big really quick.  By itself CAB=287, and TAXI CAB=471 in the Reverse Primes cipher.  CAB by itself is already approaching the end of the useful range of ordinary numbers.  TAXI CAB is already past…its prime.  Other than the fact that there are an infinite number of prime and composite numbers there are “more” composites, so the gematria of X,Y, and Z doesn’t get as out of control in this Composites cipher.  It’s much easier to use it as a list number than using a single letter.  So when 89 shows up (a much more reasonable total) that can be proclaimed to be 24 as needed.

As far as education goes there are things that make sense to do in a particular order.  Start off with the 100 level courses in college.  Master those then the 200s, 300s and 400s in that order.  In real math education you learn algebra, then geometry, then trig, then calculus.  Each building up to the higher concepts.  In fake gematria math you start out with the base ciphers, then get exposed to the other weird shit.  There are lots of long time clique leaders that start pretty much every video with the basics, knowing full well it’s all about attracting new students instead of making meaningful content for long term followers.

One of the annoying things about job search firms and websites is the immediate attempt to sell you more education to improve your resume instead of finding a fit of your current skills with an existing opening.  Like you can’t even wait to be working for three months before going to a seminar.  There’s too much side hustle money in convincing those job seekers that they aren’t ready for the updated market.  Which can be and is true.  And it’s also true that at times it’s just a bullshit money sucking waste of time.  In the world of conspiracy grifting, and using gematria as the example, you are NEVER starting off with the necessary skills to tackle an upgrade to the next level of courses.  There are no experts that have ever produced any meaningful content that leads to a benefit in real life.

And when they trot out something like a new cipher it’s checking to see if you’re ready to advance to the mid level of the MLM pyramid.  You’re wasting a lot of time talking about a new cipher?  Maybe you need to start your own blog.  Make your own videos.  Maybe you’ll get more attention if you add some coursework in anti vaxx or sovereign citizen content.  Maybe you need to be unleashed in the comments section of the enemy sports decoder who’s drawn away too many followers from your cult leader.  Going beyond the basics is painting a bullseye on yourself to be courted into the next level of promotion and/or getting your wallet sucked dry.

Calling it Gematria Education gives it way more credit than it deserves to have.  There’s no intent to enlighten or find truth.  It is, in fact, the opposite of education.  It’s a method of finding those who refuse to get actually educated and want to do their own research to satisfy their own biased opinions about any topic.  Then it’s a race to see who can reel in the school of fish first or for the most meat out of a single fish.

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