Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Shoe Event Horizon Is Coming

Within the demographics of the conspiracy echo chambers, where finding a two digit number is more important than getting a job, are likely few people who have read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, much less actual understand it.  If they did we would have had lots of nice stories about predictive programming.  So I will explain what they missed.

Taylor Swift = 66 Reverse Reduction

Shoes = 66 Ordinal


Undeniably Taylor Swift means SOMETHING regarding what’s going on with the world now.  And the world didn’t just get to the point it is at now overnight.  Events have unfolded over centuries, millennia even.  And it’s all about the shoes.  It’s always been about the shoes.

They say an army marches on its stomach.  Bullshit.  An army marches on its shoes.  There’s been a steady progression of increased speed.  Cavalry faster than foot soldiers.  Motor vehicles faster than cavalry.  Planes faster than ships.  Speed is numero uno.  And that’s where we lost our way and our focus.  Instead of paying attention to religious end of the world topics we’ve missed the omens on the impending Shoe Event Horizon.

At this point it shouldn’t be too hard for you to think of a synonym for speed that’s appropriate.  SWIFT.  And how about a nice word that rhymes with that?  GRIFT.  Grift is also speed based.  Enticing the emotional reaction long enough to get you to fork over your money before you do something sensible with it, like buy food.  And Trump, as the satanic figure in this ideological war has finally played his, er…Trump card.  He’s actually gone and done it, grifting by selling shoes.  Taylor, on the other hand, represents an alternate source of use for your entertainment and food budget outside of footwear.  But once she makes those Swifties designer sneakers the shit is really going to hit the fun.

The Shoe Event Horizon is a bad thing, a really, really bad thing.  There’s no magical afterlife waiting.  An event horizon in classic scientific terms is the part of the black hole where you get ripped apart into nothingness.  Once a society is so depressed that it thinks of nothing but shoes that’s pretty much it.  Despite the HGTTG story of the aliens evolving into birds, it’s pretty much the end of civilization as we know it.  Because Birds Aren’t Real.  That is supposedly satire, but it’s also part of the plan.  More predictive programming.  Birds have been killed off by chemtrails for a long time, so much so that they’re essentially gone now.  The few remaining real birds have been genetically modified by the Covid vaccines as a step to transhumanism.  The stepping stone to evolution to a bird species.  Which won’t work.  Because the aliens that have been visiting us want us to make med beds.  Slave labor to aid their war against their enemies.  Who are the Reptilians and insectoids.  Who have lizard feet and insect feet, better adapted to walking around on a planet affected by climate change.  But climate change is a hoax.  And the reptilians and insectoids are also grifting by selling their own shoes.


Adams understood that a society based on focus of a useless product where nobody produces something useful is doomed.  If you separate the world into producers and takers you can see that if everybody is a taker nobody is producing anything to take.  Trump is clearly a taker.  Always has been.  And millions of people don’t get how it’s a dead end street.  Taylor, well I personally don’t think too much of her music, with there only being one song of hers I claim to actually like.  But at least she has some moments where she shows some compassion.  That street hasn’t reached a dead end, yet.  The product is far cheaper than megabucks for shoes if you don’t go overboard and buy pricey concert tickets.  And last I heard she hadn’t tried to overthrow the government.

There’s old audio of a student learning about the shoe event horizon, which I first heard on the radio (if you remember that quaint old device) long ago.  The student is rewarded for correctly answering questions by pressing a button which gives him something like an endorphin rush.  A short term happy instead of long term benefit.  Our addiction to convenience and short term happiness without regards to a planet to live on.

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