Saturday, December 23, 2023

Hubbard Vs. Net Void

The following link is the exact same video (mirrored) that appeared briefly on YouTube.  Even though it’s hampered by dubious claims, subpar delivery and subject matter rooted outside of reality, at least at times it gives enormous insight into a typical way it plays out when you cross paths with the glorious leader.

Alison, with stars in her eyes and a song in her heart wanted to grow her YouTube following.  As one pokes around social media and travels into the fringe content, gematria is out there with the rest of the bad ideas.

Earlier this year I covered the economics of YouTube.  Connecting with other accounts, even dissimilar ones, to grow your own is a common theme and somewhat of a misconception.  Ultimately the really popular channels have either actual meaningful content or “populist” appeal like a celebrity.  In the meantime, scratching the back of someone else in the hopes they scratch yours - that happens all the time.

As a warning about the quality of the content of this video, pay attention to the early comment about applying the scientific method to Zach being a good person or tyrant.  True application of the scientific method leads to dismissal of gematria.  Her entire library of content was all the same themes.  Definitely part of the occult/organic matrix/spiritual circles within the many gematria cliques.

And therein lies part of the problem.  Since the leader’s part of the sports betting grift clique, this doesn’t always jive with the occult clique.  It’s competition that sucks time and $ away from those gambling Patreon pages.

It is only natural Alison connected with the Gematrinator.  Far less aggressive and more closely aligned to occult and spiritual content.  She may come off as a bit of a ditz, but over a long period of time she did wake up to how Zach simply refuses to accept someone as a kindred spirit long term.  Like a toxic narcissist everything for Hubbard is me, me, me interspersed with occasional half assed apologies when his temper gets the better of him.

The SportsGematria recaps of those rants where Zach crosses the line duplicate some of the same content here.  Which just goes to show this is not an isolated feud between to bitter rivals.  Zach can’t help himself but distance himself from others - the marketing plan is focused on short term emotional reactions.  Why should you care about the future economy being destroyed by the cost of reacting to climate change flooding and droughts when there’s a Jesuit rigged football game on tomorrow night?  You hate Catholic people today, you big moron.

As this incident was actively unfolding on social media there was a substantial amount of tangential content that was generated regarding the darker aspects.  The kinds of messaging a concerned parent of a young teen should worry about.  (And not surprisingly teens and early 20’s people without enough life experience to critically think their way through the issues properly are part of the gematria demographic). Death threats, suicide content false accusations aimed at scapegoats with baseless conspiracy evidence.  And one of the benefits of the Alex Jones method is part of the aftermath.  A lot of that has disappeared.  Memoryholing about the past makes it easier to ignore.  “I never said that.”  Some accuse Zach of deliberately removing his own prior content to cover up bad sports picks.  Or it could simply be more of a matter of acting like an opportunistic colony of yellow jackets taking advantage of a preexisting hole in the ground instead of building a hive of their own.  Ultimately it doesn’t matter why it’s gone.  And yet here we have more documentation of its existence.  So thanks for that, Alison.

As for evidence that is gone now that I do want to bring up.  On Twitter, Itachi was routinely putting out harassing and “bullet in the head” comments about any random person he would find to argue with.  And early on in the Net Void growing her channel phase he would post creepy stalker replies complete with a 😘 emoji.  Hard to believe this would turn into death threats, isn’t it?  Ummm…no.  Throwing a spiritual clique member under the bus to train sports pick clique members how much fun it is to troll and harass others on social media is par for the course.  Much better for the bottom line $.

As she tells it in the video, there was an attempt to convince YouTube to remove some of the inevitable counterattacks to this video.  One notable example is one of Zach’s current flunkies dressed in a wig and mimicked her mannerisms to harass further instead of apologizing.  This video was removed by YouTube or that creator - after many, many months.  Stop or I will say stop again!  Or maybe the message is - Don’t stop!  Draftkings needs videos to advertise on.  Who knows?  YouTube isn’t telling.  Chalk up another deleted video to the memoryhole.

I suppose a real world solution would have been for someone to quit on the BS occult angle, make a claim for actual damages that a skilled video editor a documentary filmmaker suffered with a $ amount attached to a lawsuit.  But the victims don’t think that way since fake truth echo chambers are more important than the real world.  That leaves us with the best available option to mitigate the damage.  Pointing out those that you shouldn’t be listening to and hoping the common sense of not getting involved kicks in sooner rather than when the damage is already down.

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