Monday, July 9, 2018

The Coincidence Paradox

Why would the mainstream media even need a number for dishonesty, much less three official ones and a horde of alternative ways to prove that they are lying?

So there you go.  Yet another story, this one about ESPN, being declared untrue simply because it’s ESPN.  Being a mainstream media source=puppet of the evil empire.  The word BULLSHIT included, even though no attempt has been made to find a 113 to tie into it with numerology.  They’re always lying, so the 113 or alternate is superfluous.

It’s interesting that COINCIDENCE also equals 113.

There’s a lot of dialogue that relates to how things can’t possibly be coincidence.  “Oh, what are the odds?” they say.  This can’t possibly be a coincidence.  Claiming COINCIDENCE=113 makes sense in the middle of a narrative. But it doesn’t work.  Because if the evil empire wanted to ever report that something ever was indeed a coincidence they can’t use 113 because they are also lying in the story about it.  So it’s not a coincidence.  Gematria wins by proving that the event is not a coincidence because 113 equals COINCIDENCE and the story lies by hiding it, saying it was a coincidence when it wasn’t.  But the whole story is a lie.  Whether the 113 is there or not.  So they’re DISHONEST about hiding the lack of coincidence as coincidence meaning it really was a coincidence.  Unless 113 only means COINCIDENCE and not DISHONEST which still means it was a coincidence.

And round and round we go.

So I guess that means that there’s absolutely no way the evil empire can report that something is a coincidence.  They, despite gross incompetence selectively displayed at tiles, do not want to let the sheeple know what they are up to.  There’s no reason to flaunt the overused list of 113 numbers.  Except by coincidence they found a lot of them.  Even though some of them like MADRID and VAMPIRES are pretty lame.  And I suppose it’s just a coincidence that VERACIOUS, “Truth” and THEOREMS equal 113.  Except that they can’t be a coincidence because COINCIDENCE=113 and there are no coincidences with gematria and 113 means DISHONEST and, of we go again.

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