Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Return Of The Return Of The Chosen One

Yesterday afternoon I checked out what was going on here with my blog and I had a rare +1 to my daily post.  It was an organization in the rap industry.  As usual, no message other than the +1 which isn’t necessarily, “I like what you said here and I agree”.  But on the off chance their curiosity was aroused and they revisit today I’ll use an example from yesterday’s limited material to work with on how wishy washy this evil empire is.  So Beatz(not the actual name) folks this is for you on how easy it is.  You can ignore or spread around as you see fit.  If you even see this.

This is from Denim Davis on the LeBron trade.  One would think that an evil empire would be more likely to focus on a person’s actual name, but nicknames count, too.  More on the dangers of using nicknames to follow.

So the nickname, not even that popular by a long shot, used is CHOSEN ONE.  Which already suffers from the phrase more properly being THE Chosen One.  So now that equals 46 and a butt load of other numbers that are ignored.  This in turn is matched with LeBron’s jersey number, not that he wears number 46, but when you spell out TWENTY THREE=46.

Your correct reaction should be that among the many nicknames LeBron has this is just one, there are lots of players that wear the same number and somehow this tiny little two digit number is supposed to have been picked out for him just for this event and it’s supposed to prove something about sports scripting and this makes absolutely no fucking sense.

I think it’s a fair guess that you found the Google post and/or the blog because of the dead rapper stories that have been going around.  That type of story is better crafted, sounds a bit more plausible.  But that’s because there was a little more effort put into it.  The same kind of fallacious logic of LeBron=CHOSEN ONE=jersey number that’s not really the right number is in the XXXTentacion sacrifice story.

If I can be permitted to give a bit of advice, don’t waste your time trying to engage in any kind of further debate on the topic with the story tellers.  The system is designed for success and I can easily “prove” that any single NBA player has a connection to CHOSEN ONE.  They’re used to being wrong, but like the idiot that decided he was going to build his own spaceship - he knew it wouldn’t work but thrives on the attention.  Don’t feed the trolls.  Just take the message to the water cooler or pizza parlor, and let your friends know if they ever have the misfortune of encountering gematria in the future that it’s not to be taken seriously.  One purpose of this blog is to inoculate against future infection.  If you want my recommendation on one piece of info I’d use the bit about life and death as that is part of the rapper tragedy actual story.  DEAD=22.  ALIVE=22.  Any system that allows such a clear contradiction is useless.  Any story teller that tries to insist that 74 must mean JESUS and not LUCIFER is full of shit.

So now on to a small bit of info for my regular readers.  I thought that CHOSEN ONE wasn’t even an accepted nickname for LeBron.  Since I don’t just make things up and actually do research I checked.  Most common are THE KING, KING JAMES, L TRAIN, and THE AKRON HAMMER.  However, I did find THE CHOSEN ONE in more than one spot.  I also found a list of 142 nasty nicknames for LeBron used on Twitter.


Technically by Twitter being media and this being recorded as news these all count as valid evil empire nicknames for LeBron.  I’m pretty sure I can find every two digit number and most or maybe all of the useful three digit numbers out of this.  The LeBron gematria gold mine is exhausted of new material.  Just for fun some day I might go on to Twitter and create the nickname LEBRON THE GEMATRIA GOLD MINE JAMES.

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