Saturday, July 28, 2018

Gematria ❤️ Homeopathy

Maybe not really embraces and loves homeopathy.  But at least tolerates and accepts it.

As happens on a semi-regular basis the Gematrinator has made a guest appearance on a radio show.  A perfectly logical choice for the type of show here as he is more articulate than most when presenting the alternate version of reality.

So the host of the show is one Dr. Robin Falkov acknowledged  as a practitioner of oriental/homeopathic medicine.  My stance on that pseudoscience is that if you’re going to engage in it then good for you, it’s mostly harmless.  At least they aren’t trying to convince you to drink bleach to clean out your digestive tract or some odd equivalent theory that is outright dangerous.  It mostly just doesn’t do anything, so any positive results are no better than a placebo.  If there is a danger it’s when the point is reached that you try a useless therapy when you should be thinking radiation for your cancer.  Otherwise, if you want to waste your time drinking a solution that has no molecules of the alleged treatment in it through ridiculous dilution standards - knock yourself out.

I admit that I’m not fully done researching this since this post has limited gematria.  What I did find is an association between Falkov and one Richard Hoagland.  And I’m not absolutely clear on the connection, so forgive me if the untrustworthiness of the Internet* has unduly influenced me.  Hoagland’s credentials, or lack thereof, are well documented on Wikipedia.  He was big on Mars stuff and as in the comments of the linked video the flat earthers don’t take kindly to the interview material.  So, flat earth - bad conspiracy.  Homeopathy- good.

The dipshitmatic immunity of the gematria narrator is not just a common theme, it is fully expected.  Obviously if your name equals something derogatory there is no such connection.  So leaving Falkov out of the equation, what about something else that’s not just about her?  A concept that has a name attached to it?  Like the flat earth nonsense is dismissed?


A number that Derek is very familiar with and subjected us to many a tale about.  MARK OF THE BEAST=144.

There’s no good reason to not run the numbers on this and linking a story together about how the evils of homeopathy are the work of the Devil is child’s play.  If you want to drag names into it FALKOV and DR. ROBIN FALKOV both equal 93 and we can start talking eclipse Sacrifice with the sun distance misquote and ROBIN=444 in trigonal and some day Jake Lebowski might get around to telling us exactly what the fuck that means other than a triple digit number.

There’s no logical reason to dismiss flat earth and accept homeopathy.  Neither is valid from a scientific standpoint.  What this tells us is more insight on how trustworthy someone is by the company they do or don’t keep.

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