Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Manufactured Boogeymen

Seems like they missed the point and that I'm supposed to be embarrassed about having this blog been discovered. On the contrary. I'm purposefully annoying to make sure they have no excuse to deny it.

So the mistake has been made to downplay the number of elisions used and it's been admitted that things like prime numbers are a natural devious method an evil organization, who by appearances to an ordinary rational person, displays selective gross incompetence on their activity.

Oh, I only use four elisions. Well whoop de doo for you. It still increases the number of matches dramatically. Oh, I only use a couple of phrases instead of making up a whole bunch. Double whoop de doo. If you're going to shoehorn in a manufactured boogeyman you need to make the math less obvious on how the deck is stacked in your favor.

Some of my statistics get too deep, like % of population with a given name. This one's not that hard. Somebody that claims to be smart should understand.

Only ordinal, reverse and their reductions. Four systems.

I don't like Freemasons. Maybe it's the 'free' in the name, it just doesn't sound that terrifying. So let's manufacturer the Boogeymen. The BOOGEYMEN are derived from the ancient BOOGATI. They are also called a BOOG and a BOOGER. There's more, like BOOGERHEAD, but I've got standards so I don't use all the names.

They also have some Synagogue type equivalents in the lore. But, standards. I only use two. SUBURBAN BOOGER CULT and they were first created on the CREEPY VEGAN WEBSITE. Because pasta was already taken for creepy manufactured boogeymen stories. Maybe if I have a bad day and need to relax I'll slip in VEGAN WEBSITE or SUBURBAN CULT, but when I'm defending my shoehorning, standards.

A self respecting booger cult would only code one name for itself or at most a select few. So our selectively incompetent boogerheads have just on four elisions these immediate tie ins.

BOOGEYMEN - 47,34,101,142
BOOGATI - 33,39,69,129
BOOGER - 35,28,62,100
BOOG- 21,15,39,69
SUBURBAN BOOGER CULT - 72,108,216,270
CREEPY VEGAN WEBSITE - 87,93,204,282

Instead of just a few that's 22 unique numbers directly attributable (with fallacious logic) to the Boogeymen. At most a self respecting researcher would do is point out the overlapping 39 and 69 and be happy there. There's more "evidence" that when looking at text that those numbers mean something to the Boogeymen.

Looks like all 22 aren't enough. I can't add more elisions or phrases, because standards ya know. Let's go for some primes. Now I've got 22 more numbers. The 33rd prime number is 137. There's be an extra since the original 47 is prime, but it's the 15th and that's already covered.

44 isn't enough. Let's start playing with 0's. Throwing out 0's now I've got 12, 11, 10, 18 and 27. The real windfall is the other end of the spectrum. Every two digit number can add a zero in the middle or at the end. Three digit numbers could be changed an extra way. 216 could be 2160, 2106 or 2016. Those numbers that have a zero in the middle screw things up. Let's just call it an extra 22.

I count another 14 new numbers reversing to the mirror image.

85 different numbers on just four numbering systems on a very generously low number of made up phrases. As the number of phrases and number of elisions increases the duplication increases, so unique number generation slows down. Keep adding new ones you will eventually cover everything. Sadly for your side the actual number of 85 is much bigger than 1.

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