Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

Did you see the new subtitle?? It was long overdue for a change. I didn't really believe gematria was worse than Scientology. At least they haven't engaged in atrocious human rights violations. It was an eye catcher like naming your video "Roy Halladay Sacrificially Murdered By The Numbers!" I was going to throw in the adjective "obvious". Nah. If something is really obvious you don't need to mention it is obvious. I settled for "cranks". I would have rather said "raging fucktards", but not for a banner. It has to shrink to fit the available space and cranks has far fewer letters.


The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy is well known and detailed on numerous reputable websites (i.e, not gematria) that can be easily found. Ergo, I'm not making it up. And we have a perfect opportunity for demonstration of a gematria claim of predictability not being exhibited.

There's been a lot of dialogue about the "obvious" use of weather warfare since Hurricane Harvey. To a lesser extent the other hurricanes during the season. Especially for Harvey this was important to the World Series. Not having a major hurricane in California, the Dodgers were the wildfire team. Because there was a fire there. Which is sooooo uncommon that they happen all the time. Anyway, flood vs. fire. Sounds cool. Except the fire part sounds pretty warm.

Especially considering that HARVEY =34, now 34 MEANS something. A silly little two digit number that pops up in everyday life all the time. Pitch counts, jersey numbers, player names, anything remotely 34 now MEANS something. At least until the Astros field a bad team and no longer provide confirmation biased based non empirical evidence. Reported after the fact by the informal fallacy called the Texas Sharpshooter. Houston. Texas. Hmmm....that must MEAN something.

There are two variations depending on what you read but the difference is not too consequential to the overall theme. It could be a single bullet, but let's go with a fully loaded six-shooter. Let's make the gun have a silver handle engraved with the shooter's name. Let's call the shooter DiCaprio, like in The Quick and the Dead. The details aren't part of the original fallacy, but that's what gematria does because more data means more matches. And you can always ignore the things that don't match, which defies all logic and everything the scientific method stands for.

Did I mention that I'm a scientist lately? Should I put that in the subtitle.

Now that I made the point about the extra detail, let's go back to our six gun shooting dude who is not Leonardo DiCaprio. (Who before he got older and buffed up, the prettiest girl in movies.) Here's how he got his fame. He fires the gun into the side of an unpainted barn. Then draws the target around the bullet holes.

Sound familiar? Gematria narrator=Sharpshooter, Hurricane Harvey=Bullet Holes, Narrative=Target painted after the fact.

This relates to apophenia and the perfectly ordinary reaction to making patterns out of something. Like making a pentagram shape out of five restaurant locations (Reference Outback restaurant story). If you don't try and make patterns there's something wrong. It's a survival instinct. The difference between our caveman friends Durp and Gromk. If you deliberately draw the target knowing full well you are creating the narrative you are falsifying the evidence. A scientific no-no.

There's a nice little weather pattern formed in the Atlantic now. What in the meteorological business is known as a "big ass storm." And it's happening right before the football playoffs. If gematria had any real value there would be some predictably about this. Conventional science loves predictably. "Past experience says that a 150lb. human consuming X amount of emu jerky laced with arsenic will die. You consumed that amount. You're going to probably die. From the arsenic, not the jerky.". Currently our top big ass storm experts aren't certain exactly how much snow there will be and where it will fall. They've been tracking it for some time. They certainly haven't been trying desperately to figure out what implications this will have on football games that aren't going to be played weeks from now, especially in non Eastern U.S. areas.

Gematria doesn't work that way. (It doesn't work at all.). If weather warfare is so damn important and sports rigging is so damn important then we should have loads of predictions on how much snow will be falling at the next game at Gillette Stadium and what the score of the game will be. Instead what we are getting is nothing about the big ass storm and predictions that New England will win.

Then after the game is over the sportsons (sports morons) will paint the target, marvel at their apophenia about a football pick made simply because pretty much everybody thinks New England will win based on non gematria decisions like Tom Brady being good instead of THE CHOSEN ONE=98. The really bold ones will know that they're falsifying the evidence and paint the target to find a string of small numbers easily duplicated by any idiot with a computer and functioning hands, voice activation software or a well trained helper monkey. Ignoring the idea that 98 *meaning* something should have applied to ELI MANNING, CARL NASSIB, SEAN LEE, MARK DAVIS =98 not even making the playoffs. Those bullets didn't even hit the side of the barn. And the details of a big ass snow storm don't have a big ass snowball's chance in hell of appearing since Mother Nature decided that she doesn't give a rip about supposed weather warfare or gematria.

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