Wednesday, June 14, 2017

THE Meaning Of It All

Technical not a mistake as far as the numerology goes. Nor a mistake in context; this is from a nickname that is well accepted. But the manner in which I found it emphasizes how conceptually some aspects of gematria have not been terribly well thought out.

I started a project of counting the number of different ways that some other number was changed into 33. This is a numerology favorite. It's probably the go to number for proclaiming whatever is going on I actually a conspiracy. 

Primarily, the numerology of the phrase FALSE FLAG includes 33. More common terminology like HOAX or FAKE NEWS does not. Although the numerology report mentions the other terminology, the emphasis is on FALSE FLAG since that's what the target value is.

Right off the bat, conceptual problem #1 is that this clearly is a case of what I call PhraseShopping. It's like PhotoShopping a picture. Doctoring it to give support to a different (and universally incorrect) point of view. Which directly leads to conceptual problems 2 and 3.

Problem #2 is that since there's a large supply of different words available to choose from you are bound to find something that means the exact opposite of the phrase you have chosen. Indeed, with 33 that is the case. GENUINE also equals 33. Ask yourself if you told which sounds least awkward, genuine story or false flag story? It's at least a tie. I suspect out of a random sampling of unbiased people that genuine would come out on top of that poll.

Problem #3 is the choice of settling for the phrase false flag. In addition to the simple case of it being 33 like you want it to be, it's simple math on what is available to report on. With an average letter value of 12-13 in a non-reduction system there aren't a whole lot of words that are useful. Naturally FALSE FLAG and GENUINE are both in reduction methods.

I found two different three letter words reported on in researching about 8 random 33 related posts in the Free to Find Truth blog. PHI in regards to an athlete's tattoo and the Golden Ratio. Yea! Not a false flag for a change!

The other word that equaled 33 in a non-reduction method....well. That was not very well thought out. Like I said, not a total blunder. It does equal 33. But it should be one of those words that you ignore because it doesn't have any significant message to convey by itself. It's the word THE.

June 12th reporting on Lebron "The King" James dunk. Split into THE and KING. Separately, not THE KING. Talk about PhraseShopping! Are you so desperate to find every meaningless coincidence that it's fit to report on the magic connection between 33 points scored, not uncommon for a star basketball player, and the single most common word in the English language? Does this mean that every time the word THE is mentioned it could mean that it's a false flag?

A chapter in Hubbard's upcoming book about some guidelines on exactly how these issues are to be handled would be interesting. From a comic standpoint. Remember, the vague nearly infinitely powered entities have coded numbers into our language. If THE is important for one dunk, it's important everytime it's used.

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