Saturday, May 6, 2017

The S.C.A.R.Y. Story of Gematria's Origin

The plus side for my readers is that this should be relatively free of annoying numbers - both real math/science and manufactured gematria. And an opportunity for my team of acronym writers to justify being on the payroll.

There's a lot if conjecture here. By necessity since one of the immutable facts about gematria in its current form has no structure, rules or even consensus among its users. It's like a sad episode of Law And Order where the suspects are taken to the room with the one way mirror and interviewed separately. Then when their stories don't match Sam Waterston cries, "Gotcha!" they go to court where the jury finds them innocent. Close up at the end, "Your dastardly lack of logic has foiled us! Curse you!" Even though their stories have mornholes than the bullet ridden corpses in a Sam Peckinpah movie.

Something we do know.  Everything is a conspiracy. If there's a happy human interest story just to make sure people get a break from the death and greed it's not worthy of a mention. Puppy Saved From House Fire is not on their playlist. Who or what is guiding this conspiracy mill is completely unknown.

I'd like to think about some vastly powerful cosmic entity that created the Earth and felt it necessary to force on us with some needlessly cumbersome system to decipher the hidden meaning of our lives. More often it's alluded to be really powerful people. So for convenience and to be able to abbreviate I'm acronymimg(real conjugation) them to be Shadow Conspirators And Random Yahoos, SCARY.

So where exactly did these people originate from? When? Why choose sports instead of math textbooks? Why don't they like puppies?

It must predate the Bible since that is a huge source if these magic numbers. No try and imagine the SCARY checklist developed at the early meetings.

1). Exclusive club members. Check.
2). Purpose. Hide all meaningful events in words. Got this Bible thing. We'll wing it as technology increases.
3). Improve technology. Not because we need celebrity birthdates and baseball boxscores for the numbers. We need to keep ahead of the mindless sheep so they don't know we've hidden the numbers. It's our exclusive club. <let the meeting minutes show this is a work in progress.>
4). Anarchy. Nahhh....we need police and government. What's the fun of hiding numbers if we don't leak it the sheeple and have "the man" bringin' 'em down. WIP.
5). First rule of SCARY not talk about SCARY club.
6). Start genetic engineering project on Brad Pitt.
7). Ignore #5. More fun to leak it to some select random yahoos. It will be much more fun. Too easy to just off them by beating them to death.
8). Invent bullets, just in case.
9). Sub note to #7. Make sure random Yahoos know we are hiding things. More fun. Make sure they don't fear our near infinite power. More fun.
10). Start fucking with technology. Randomly assign new meanings to key numbers and therefore words. Start with Pi.
11). Break for refreshments.

Ok let's end the nonsense here. The point is, if these people are really that powerful then why haven't they kept it a complete secret? If you can breed a person to play baseball, join all the other scripted baseball players to make sure a box score works out exactly a certain way...if you can make sure Erin Moran dies exactly on some certain can you not possibly keep it a secret? Unless you want to leak it.

And what the fucking hell is the point? So you can gather at the SCARY lodge and high five each other?  Everyone check out what Bob did! Erin Moran's time of death was spot on! Big whoop-de-fucking-doo. For me, if these people are that powerful I sure can't do anything about it.

And neither can these random yahoos. Because another constant in gematria is these supposedly earth shattering discoveries are always reported after the fact. All that has changed are the details. I don't care if Erin Moran croaked because she partied too much, had cancer or was murdered because of 126 and 53.

Eventually people WILL get tired of your news reports since there are only so many small numbers to match on. Dan in particular is already hung up on reporting the same gosh awful space/rings/Gabriel/Uncle Barney numbers over and over and over. Tonight in Gematria News Network. San Diego house fire kills fourteen people. Actress Catherine Tate overdosed on cough syrup, the NHL finals are rigged. The other news networks report on a cure for pancreatic cancer. Well, bad example. Because if this generation can't come up with anything better than cough syrup = 44 then we sure as fuck aren't going to cure cancer or solve global warming.

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