Sunday, March 19, 2017

Nad Needs To Research Chess

I think he probably won't go through with it, but my fingers, toes, eyes, a couple of teeth and a short section of my ileum are crossed hoping he does.

The death of Chuck Berry has jogged his memories on an old post that predates this blog in regards to Chess Records and the death of Sean Rooks. In short order, with two posts he has demonstrated little understanding of the game.

 To begin with he misspells Bobby Fischer as Bobby Fisher. He is in the habit of using Wikipedia for source material and likely would get it right by the time any gematria appears. Yet, this emphasizes a language problem in gematria. Is it Ljubovic, Ljubovitch, Lubovic or something else depending on the source language? Of course the answer is either depending on which works to suit his needs. Even in the Berry story he uses the full name with Sr. at the end, not Senior spelled out.

The silly claim that the king is the worst piece is thrown in. The truth is that from a stance of strength it is impossible to rate the pieces from best to worst on anything but a case by case basis. At the start of the game surely the queen is strongest. If you don't have a king then you don't have a game since checkmating the opposing king is the goal. Worst piece? It's invaluable.

Chess would be perfect for me to infiltrate and post meaningful comments until I start to get crazy. There's a huge amount of source material. All the dates, places and names. Just a couple of weeks ago current world champ Magnus Carlsen was a guest voice on the Simpsons.

And I'm over qualified to talk about real chess having already achieved an expert ranking, State Correspondence champion and winning a game against an International Master.

The wheels are spinning here. I like this plan so far. Start normal. Switch to slightly silly. Eventually ala Homer in that Simpsons' episode misname pieces like insisting that it's a horsey instead of a knight. Use Mikhail Tal every time for the word Tall. Stubbornly stick to how pawn and prawn are close enough. Hey, it's the R elimination method. Silverfish are close enough to prawns. The son of famous beer maker is an ale kin for Alekhine. Wow. I'm going to town on this one.

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