Saturday, March 11, 2017

Gematria Proponents Should Shut Their Pi Hole

Nad has a couple of annoying repeat mistakes. Because the old story about the boy eaten by the alligator in Florida means something I have seen Thu one at least four times now. The boy was "Ate by an alligator.". Feud is consistently misspelled Fued. And he hasn't got a firm grasp of contractions and showing more than one by adding 's' so we get "the team had to wear their practice jersey's". Ouch.

This hogwash about 227 meaning Pi and circles has now shown up enough that I'm sure they will stick with it forever. (Chucky is documented saying this in a video, too.)

The concept if circles and Pi goes back a loooooonnnngggg time. In fact, the proof that 22/7 is NOT Pi goes all the way back to ancient Greek scholars in like 3000 BC. Nad's latest use indicates that he seems to buy in fully to the concept that 22/7 is Pi, exactly. Something like "It's 3.14 and so on.". Well, the"so on" falls flat on its* ass immediately on the very next digit. 1 vs. 2. To late for them to switch gears now and use 355/113 which holds up to several more digits matching Pi exactly.

Now what could be worse than 22/7 being Pi? There's now Reverse Pi. Sure. Take a number (22/7) that is fundamentally wrong and introduce who the reverse of that number means something.


Who you use Pi in circles. I'll try to keep it simple. Start with a Triangle. Add a side. Keep all sides equal in length. Now you have a square. Add another side to the polygon. And another. The equilateral polygon starts to approach the shape of a circle with more sides. Any time you stop before invoking the almighty Pi power you get a many sided polygon and not a true circle. Now what would inverse/reverse Pi do to this? I dunno. And Professor Michio Kaku has not returned the voice mail I left him. I imagine it would be a wormhole and the solution to travel in time.**

So I guess whatever powers are scripting these numbers, be it cosmic entities, Jewish bankers, the god damn Girl Scouts or whatever decided to use wrong numbers to bury their hidden numbers.

Census Taker: How many children do you have?
Numerologist: I can't be sure.

Bus Driver: The fare us $1.00.
Numerologist: Do you have change for a dollar?
Bus Driver: What? How much change do you think you should get?
Numerologist: I'm not sure.

Waitress: Would you like a piece of pie for dessert?
Numerologist: I'm not sure.

* or Nad would probably say it's ass
**. Prof Kaku, theoretical physicist extraordinaire on Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Star Talk. Time travel is theoretically possible, but the energy cost is so extreme it's not remotely close to being practical.

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