Saturday, February 18, 2017

Misread Numbers by Nad, Peter Falk And The Girl Scouts

Two posts by Nadatron yesterday give me an obvious lead in to the continuation of the only real conspiracy that we need to worry about.

One post was about how the Boy Scouts were responsible for tornadoes so the tornadoes got pissed off and killed son of them and injured a bunch more. Because he moved to Arizona on that day. The free masons git involved, maybe they sacrificed some lampreys during a Great Lakes fishing trip and called them forth, but the tornadoes got side tracked sight seeing in the Midwest and never made it to Arizona. Or maybe the checkered cap he mentions as being masonically important distracted them and they thought the finish line was in Iowa. But Boy Scouts? Surely the cookie sales could take a huge hit if Boy Scouts distract the dark lord, Lamprethulu and the Girl Scouts were in on it. Fucking tornadoes with ADD. Idiots.

And then Christopher Columbus? Wow! Columbus- Columbo? We all know what the Girl Scouts did to him.

I was right about reverse numbering. Z=1,y=2.....a=26. Nad mentions how everyone is using it now, so he's going to roll with it. I was right about that, too. Not a replacement, but an addition. In his twistered tornado talk he uses a combination of simple and reverse toilet twice I the same example. Another African American racist comment. Jigaboos or niggers didn't work some time. African Americans was. That's actually more black people everywhere else don't matter. And odd they never seemed to matter until February because that happens to be Black History Month.


He's behaved himself satisfied with bogus numbers lately. But we have a nice factual error in the Columbus story which was prompted by a basketball players quote on Flat Earth thinking.

According to Nad he was taught in school that Columbus made the trip in 1492 "to prove that the Earth was flat". Yeah, he really said that. If he really thought that he would have decided he was going to commit suicide to prove his point. And what proof would there be for his lack I return? For all we know it could have been a lamprey filled waterspout, a Lampnado. Now that's a movie I want to watch. Great double feature with Abe Lincoln Vampire Slayer. Columbus versus Lampnado.

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