Thursday, August 31, 2023

Playing Both Sides

While talking about the Hopium content I’m reminded of how perfect gematria is for fitting into the politically divisive world of today.

In the sports betting gematria community it is often super obvious that the decoder is finding a narrative for both teams, then reducing it to a best guess.  If that guess is right then the champagne is uncorked, the victory is trumpeted out and past failure is forgiven.  If wrong, “they are out to get me and they changed the script” type of excuses abound.  That’s par for the course when something as simple as team names have overlapping gematria.  Given a choice between Team A = 53 and Team B = 53 the decision must be based on some other factor, even if that is just a mental coin flip.

In the employment setting, an averagish person expects some kind of consistency from The Boss.  If you are qualified and hired as a welder, you don’t expect to be asked to clean toilets.  If you are a janitor who has limited computer skills, getting in trouble for incorrect data entry because you were thrust into that role because some of the software coding staff called off sick and you were forced to do it.  The Good Boss recognizes this.

As we drift more and more to kakistocracy, it’s easy to find a Bad Boss.  And the conspiracy grifters love that, although they may struggle at times with one aspect.  At times, like presenting yourself as an expert sports pick maker, you will have to pick one side or the other, with only other non gematria evidence or that mental coin flip to rely on.  Politically, do you support the gung ho right “only rich white dudes matter” or the gung ho left “#LockUpGiuliani” group?  You’ve got numbers for both narratives (or your other fake evidence if you don’t do gematria).

The solution, pick both teams.

This is from this Gematrinator post:

While the rational thinking world that actually has critical thinking skills applauds the sentiment, the message reeks of hypocrisy.  Oh, I’m against Us vs. Them.  In the meantime this post is sandwiched in between talk of things like secret societies that are starting wildfires.  Maybe not trying to control what you say, but certainly trying to influence what you think.  You’ve helped with the narrative that’s created both a fictitious Us and a fictions Them.  There are secret societies, but they don’t operate the way you say.  If they did some real evidence would have shown up by now.  There is no Truth Community.  It’s just a bunch of people with no coherent central message looking to blame a scapegoat and avoid thinking that maybe there’s something wrong with themselves.

There’s a lot more money in hatred than there is in fostering cooperation and getting along.  So the so called truth community will always be aligned with the murder by numbers, Skull and Bones ritual, they are creating a race war because the N word = 42 types.  Our data entry janitor doesn’t become a better person by “learning” that he lost his job by any reason other than his boss is a jackwipe.

This is a good time to remind all of the biggest failure of gematria.  Based on how it is done in verifiable social media content, every single person that lived in the past, is alive now, or will live in the future is evil.  Or good, but they don’t create the Them stories as Them ever being good.  I don’t believe in Us vs. Them, so here’s some Them being evil content for you.  WTF?!?

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 Hopium is considered by many, myself included to be a dangerous addiction.  It’s time to break out the liberal side of the grifting world, so a bit of background to reintroduce some personal opinions and deliver background.

If there’s something really nutty presented as a fact, in the disguise of a “what if this conspiracy is true?”, format it almost always comes from conservatives.  Thoroughly debunked, totally anti scientific, even labeled as so obviously ridiculous a toddler could see through it.  But, if there’s any new story that shows the perpetrators have gone too far and are finally getting their comeuppance, the liberals latch on to it and spread.  Almost always before actual facts show the story to be true.  A sense of justice, or hope, that criminals will finally be prosecuted or people will finally leave the cult after realizing how destructive it is - that’s a good thing, right?

Well if taken too far it’s a bad thing.  And being in super repetitive mode here, for a needed sense of cooperation by those in charge where the correct answer on economic and social issues it’s a barrier.  There’s a thing called hyper empathy which describes the mindset where someone gets so wrapped up in helping others their own quality of life suffers.  Think second mortgage on the home to donate the money to the disaster victims.

I trust you’ve heard of the story of Pandora’s Box.  And I’m happy to report that while researching for this post it may be more correct to call it a jar instead of a box.  The Internet does have good information out there if one knows where to look.  I never knew that until today.  Although it’s a classic story it is widely open to interpretation.  Does it represent the cruelty of releasing all the evil in the world without hope remaining stuck in the box?  Is it an apocalypse story?  What if excessive hope on impossible problems is so bad it’s the nastiest thing in the box and even the gods weren’t that cruel?

My main takeaway is more mundane than most of the speculation surrounding the meaning.  Simply put, even the ancient civilizations recognized there’s a lot of shit wrong in the world that they don’t have control over, exactly like the modern day conspiracy grifters.  If the best you have to offer is a story of pointing out there are obviously things wrong in the world without offering up any kind of solution, you really haven’t done much.

I’ve seen Hopium in action in my personal life.  Those awareness walks for cancer and other diseases, the awareness is all well and good.  Inevitably a form of fatigue sets in where even the most diehard early members you had join the cause don’t stick it out more than a couple of years.  These usually originate by someone suffering a more personal tragedy that relates to a societal problem.  They have a core group of friends that empathize and get all fired up to help their mate.  Those friends in turn will generate monetary support by signing up more tangential friends outside the original group.

It’s the same pyramid as the conspiracy grifting scam:

Top grifter - recruits loyal gung ho middle level people to spread the message.

Middle level - recruits newbies to suck money from or encourage to up their game to become middle level

Bottom level - grist for the mill.

Sure it would be great to see someone like a popular but obviously corrupt politician get their just desserts of a lengthy stay in jail, but does that really solve all the problems that were released from the box?  Can one person do it all?  Do you really need to make it your life’s mission to combat this, ignoring having any semblance of fun or entertainment?  Are you prepared to sacrifice your personal happiness for “the cause”?

The left wing Hopium grifters follow the same format as the right wing.  There’s somebody who obviously has engaged in problematic behavior the average person doesn’t understand how they get away with.  Why does Trump get to cheat on his taxes, but not me?  There’s ALWAYS someone in the news to pick.  Sure you know the big names - Trump, Greene, Santos, Boebert.  What you don’t get to see is so much of the local council person types that get the same treatment.  Those folks are constantly asking for money to combat the “evil”other side on a daily basis.  And you’re not a truly good person unless you associate with your group by proving your loyalty - with money.  And along the way, it’s oh so handy to create arbitrary scapegoats the same as the right wing conspiracy grifters.  Hey there, guy who just donated $100 to help Frisch defeat Boebert!  Arnie Average (who like all people has a mix of good and bad qualities and may in fact be deemed a good person by most people) wants to be on the city board!  And he’s a frigging REPUBLICAN!!!  Give me money.  The arbitrary scapegoat by association and not facts.

Another bit of anecdotal evidence.  Within my belief system is this apparently crazy idea that kids getting shot at school, even the wasted resources on combating the potentiality of kids getting shot at school, is a bad thing.  So, I signed my name to a petition for Sandy Hook promise, knowing full well what was about to happen.  Non stop fundraisers, even post Alex Jones conviction for mega dollars.  Almost all of the emails began with, “Hey, we noticed you have donated to XXXX.”  Or “We’re short of our goal of…”. Or both.  I got an email at least once a week until I finally unsubscribed.”

Then, since the algorithms decided I was associated with that cause I MUST be associated with other, similar hopium related causes.  Ugggh.  Yes, Alice.  There is a Hopium rabbit hole, too.  All leading to the same mental states of paranoia and depression of not being able to do enough to combat the ills of the world, because the sense of urgency is the message.  Do it today, make that knee jerk emotional reaction.

These are thoughts to keep in mind as the society at large inept structure of insurance industries are about to get a slap in the ass for dealing with hurricane damage by calculating out CEO bonuses.  GoFundMe is one of the biggest insurers on the planet, since your beloved Aunt’s chemotherapy is way more expensive than your crappy work health insurance can pay out.  Effective solutions require a cooperative group effort and time.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Kessler Syndrome

 The Kessler Syndrome is a neat little accident waiting to happen.  It fits in nicely with recent topics here.  The longer problems are put off and our leaders dismiss science as less meaningful than unbridled capitalism and personal wealth.

Now solar flares are outside our control.  If we get a big one, our best case scenario is enough advance notice to turn off the grid before electromagnetic pulses fry everything.  This interruption in the taken granted for convenience of things working right will be bad enough.

For the Kessler Symdrome, think of the way that nuclear fission operates.  One atom “explodes” and sends high speed shit out exploding other shit, turning it into more high speed shit until there’s a shitstorm of shit until no more shot remains to shitify.

We’ve known for a long time now that collisions in satellites would be a bad thing.  Those aren’t just lazily floating like clouds up there.  In order to orbit the planet they have substantial velocity.  It’s when that velocity ceases the satellite comes crashing to Earth.  Usually landing in an ocean, but at that point we don’t have any control over the debris destiny.  If it’s going to hit a populated area, we’ll that could be bad.

I’m kind of a fan of this actually happening in some ways.  Since conspiracy gematria grifting can’t be used without an operating Internet it would be an interesting experiment in crisis management without the misinformation economic empire able to operate.  Replacing enough satellites to hook everybody together again would take quite some time.  When Hubbard makes a video about him traveling out of his computer station area, it’s not because that is an effective method of communicating a truth community message.  It’s all about the video and attached fundraiser.  Traveling to the grocery store post Kessler Syndrome?  To talk to a mob of people worried about how every thing is super inconvenient because the Jesuits did a ritual?  When they could have simply stopped him from having Internet access a long time ago if he was dangerously close to exposing their plans?  I can’t see that happening when people are forced to adapt to a previously unknown crisis.  

Mainly though.  This is one of those math related hypotheticals that are easily dismissed by the way societies operate these days.  If you make a bacteria culture grow in an enclosed system it will eventually choke itself to death with no food remaining amid a butt ton of toxic byproducts.  If the Earth temperature keeps rising it will start lowering life expectancy and killing people off, be it super energetic weather events, starvation from failing crops or wars over dwindling resources.  If more shit is put into orbit it will eventually cross paths.  Based on the way we handle pandemic response and burning fossil fuels, looks like that would easily get relegated to the same basement where ignorance is bliss rules.  It will start off as not an immediate problem, therefore no concern.  Then it will reach a scientific consensus that agrees it’s a serious problem.  Then the grifters will declare it a hoax.  Then the leaders will latch on to that to get re-elected.  Then the smart people with empathy will start to try to counter the false narrative.  Then the leaders will go, “Yeah, but we can’t pay for it to be resolved.”  And that will be true because we’re so addicted to convenience that stopping something before the problem explodes into unmanageability is just what humans do.

Oh wait, I forgot a couple of events in that chain.  There has to get a point where we consider solutions that are the cure being as bad or worse than the disease.  Like trying to go full nuclear and seeding the atmosphere with stuff to block out the sun for climate change.  (Real issues being discussed).  We need drones to go up and do controlled demolition space force laser clean up.  Then the grifters can talk about the elites and secret societies creating global chaos to starve us to remain in control and keep us poor.  And they can insist that the Constitution gives them a God given right to have their own laser equipped drone, because the forefathers knew that evil governments want to attack us and only my right to a laser equipped drone is what’s important.  Food, job, convenience be damned.

It wouldn’t get that far.  Realistically a more likely failed solution would be leaving things in control of well intentioned AI.  AI currently being trained by megadoses of misinformation.  And whatever it picks could be really stupid, because social media algorithms have proven that they don’t do diddly squat for monitoring misinformation.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Individuality In Society, Barbie And Gematria

There’s  a crisis of individuality in society.  See, I can do it to.  Where we last left off, I was whining about the overblown use of identifying everything as a crisis.  Well, conspiracy grifters are experts at that so why should they have all the fun?  And it’s both parts.  They love to whine about the problems of the world want to present themselves as the experts on everything.  I, <insert cult leader name>, know when something is a crisis and something isn’t.  I know when something is a coincidence and when something isn’t.  I know who is a lying shill and who isn’t.  And the solution is so easy - give me your money.  

Even the average person gets an early dose of the phrase, DON’T BE A SHEEP.  That message is conveyed in a manner that indicates that you should be thinking for yourself while the actual result is BECOME A SHEEP IN THE HERD OF SOCIETAL MISFITS.  You too, can become an expert at identifying the many things wrong with the world by declaring everything you don’t like a hoax.  And when you get caught up in manufacturing non empirical evidence, ignore how if you are unfortunate enough to have your name gematria being 40, 50, 141 or 139 that this equals PSYCHOPATH.

In fact, gematria is one of the worst conspiracy topics for conspiracy content for wrestling with personal issues of getting along in a society loaded with actual crises, brewing potential crises and things declared a crisis or not.  You are encouraged early on to not be a sheep.  Then off you go typing in random words and accepting what you want, and ignoring what you don’t like, as if life has a magic reset button.  If you are presented with any small number, you will find real life examples of that number on a daily basis.  40, 50, 141, 139 also mean something positive or negative about cryptocurrency, any political leader, LGBT, racism, climate change and the Super Bowl.  Your expressing your individualism not by critically thinking about well researched data using critical thinking skills, but by what clique you are part of. Which is a gigantic oxymoron known more commonly as cognitive dissonance.

Dealing with cognitive dissonance is stressful.  Super scary type of mentally stressful for those without proper socialization to cope with out.  Those lost in a rabbit hole of being presented with conflicting information, choosing a path that not only doesn’t help finding the right answer, but fall for the tactics of constantly being presented with a variety of wrong answers to choose from are never truly happy.  Out in the real world, family, friends, coworkers and random encounters will continue to not accept your expression of not being a sheep as anything more than being a huge pain in the ass they don’t want to deal with.  Some people just need better friends and act in a manner that drives people away.

Which brings us to the Barbie movie.  And fortunately I don’t have what could be a large following here which combined with how it’s pretty much run it’s first release theatrical run out, I get to give Spoilers.

In the movie, there is Barbie Land and the Real World.  The real world is, rather obviously, the real world.  Barbie Land is a utopian society where all the Barbies are in charge.  Based on the actual Mattel dolls evolution there are ordinary Barbies, Doctor Barbies, President Barbie and all manner of powerful, successful, individual Barbies.  Margot Robbie is the Stereotypical Barbie.  Check off a box on your cognitive dissonance scorecard.  She is an individual but she is just a stereotype.  There are multiple Ken’s.  The big thing about Ken is he wouldn’t exist except because Barbie exists.  Getting her attention is more important than anything else.  Check off another box on the scorecard.  Ken is a stereotype who wants to be cooler than the other Ken’s to get Barbie’s attention.

That’s the entire point of the movie, and it is a powerful message if you are paying attention beyond the comedic format.  It’s the perfect movie for this era as an expression of how society is wrestling with fitting in to a group and finding time to be yourself is…hard.

The Real World and Barbie Land spill over into each other.  The main Ken turns into an alpha male style douchebag.  More stereotyping.  All the Ken’s join the new patriarchy in Barbie Land and ruin it.  The group think takes over and brainwashes Barbies into docile, traditional stereotype submissive sex objects.  No more individualism for you, you less than human female types, you!

The brilliantly presented solution to the restoration of Barbie Land is presentation of the cognitive dissonance to the brainwashed Barbies to snap them out of it.  This is much easier to do in a two hour movie than it would be for a living person with a ton of emotional baggage.

Personally, I found the movie to be more aimed at an older audience than the young, playing with the dolls girl I was lead to believe.  But that may be influenced by the real life alpha male bros that dominate the “it’s good to be a rich white dude in the patriarchy” society that absolutely hate it for pointing out how counterproductive their behavior is long term.  And there certainly was room in the script for a real world or Scammer Ken, even a Gematria Ken.  Perhaps that will be in the sequel.  If things go well, my master plan of using my super power of generally getting along with others will lead to a paid gig as part of the nonexistent evil cabal script writing team for the sequel.  Already I have plans for Gematria Ken to try to force his reality on to others by tiny, insignificant numbers.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Societal Crises

The word crisis gets thrown around way too much these days.  It doesn’t help since experts in fields, at least by the time media translates the story, drops the word on any topic whether it’s an actual crisis or not.

There’s a mental health crisis.  A climate crisis.  A gun violence crisis.  The problem with premature crisis declaration is folded into the conspiracy grifting world to use as talking points.  When exactly does a crisis start?  A mid-life crisis starts in mid-life.  But is your dissatisfaction with your job and boredom with your spouse really a crisis?  Monkeypox was nowhere near as bad, but fresh off Covid-19 pandemic talk declaring it a potential crisis was a story.

It’s really quite simple.  A personal crisis like an unfaithful spouse can be identified easily.  But the effects on others can be brushed aside.  When that urban row home fire destroys your neighbor’s houses it’s not your problem other than the inconvenience of the fire trucks in the way of you getting to the liquor store.  Your house being the only one destroyed by a fire is a personal crisis. A wildfire in the early stages is a potential crisis if it’s outside of town and an actual crisis when whole towns start falling into ashes from the flames.

Your more legitimate news outlets tend to declare crises prematurely so they are not to be left out while their competitors gain the advertising dollars sending reporters out to cover it.  Fictional literature has it easy.  Godzilla appears for the first time in an origin story reboot - there’s a giant fucking dinosaur blasting the shit out of buildings, an immediate crisis.  Only in the sequels do you get a wondering if he might actually help versus the other giant fucking monster from outer space is worse.  Do you really think it would be much of a movie if we know that giant asteroid is going to miss hitting our planet?  Bruce Willis training montage “just in case” without an actual crisis?  What really happens in the films are actual existential crises with personal crises mixed in to make the character’s more relatable.  Somehow only Chuck the geologist is the only one good enough for the job, and he’s a raging alcoholic because his wife left him for the giant rampaging dinosaur expert.

Psychologically people with empathy issues have a hard time separating my house on fire versus my neighbor’s house on fire versus entire towns on fire versus the entire planet being on fire.  Fortunately, we have our secret crisis detector system in place.  The conspiracy grifter so called truth community.  The bizarro land everything is opposite of what it really is community (which includes the psychological projection of declaring that “normies” are the ones being the opposite land inhabitants).  If something is a personal crisis, it won’t be elevated to national news.  Not enough attention.  A potential crisis is a ritual that the evil cabal is mocking you with.  (Yes, newcomers, that’s an actual thing.  Individual celebrities are killed off for fun as a display of their evilness as part of a grand scheme that never materializes.)  An actual full blown crisis is a hoax.  How dare you think of supporting crisis relief donations instead of spending money on my sports picks or donating to my re-election campaign.

Reinforcing what has been said here often before, this is a part of the whole package of how the scams operate.  It’s designed to generate a knee jerk emotional response by merging arbitrary scapegoats with fiction like nonexistent adrenochrome seeking pedophile masterminds who have space lasers.  And people who haven’t had their house catch on fire or died of Covid related issues *vote* for these people.

Crisis relief requires a societal group effort.  One person can’t fund all the insurance claims, rebuild the houses and get the utilities back up and running.  We are addicted to convenience, and by default an actual crisis is extremely inconvenient.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Breaking YouTube - Part 2

The insanity continues with different numbers appearing on absolutely every video for the number of likes.  I’ve seen 12 and 1.5k (not sure what the exact number is because of display rounding) and 24.  I’m still uncertain of specifically what I’m doing to cause this, but I’m positive it’s related to doing things that I shouldn’t be doing.

I’m not vain enough to expect that I’m getting some sort of special treatment from YouTube.  There are some side effects related to Google functionality that are annoying but not catastrophic.  If I am being sent a message that is meant to be “hey asshole, knock it off”, it could be clearer like a friendly email or termination of the offending account.

Nope, it’s not about me, I wonder what happens when things go wrong to the conspiracy theorist mentality when something odd happens.  Bear in mind I can easily find a video where something as trivial as the color of clothing someone wears is granted far more significance than it deserves.  Which is exceptionally ridiculous since pretty much every color is covered, it doesn’t matter what you wear, you can arbitrarily be determined to be evil, because people fall for it.

Now this kind of thing is magnified in the gematria world since every useful number is evil.  I’ve spent too much time looking at gematria clowns that when I saw that first string of 111’s it got my attention.  A nice number for gematria, that one.  It’s right in the zone for a decent sized word or short phrase.  Thanks to 666, triple digits are attributed with being more significant than non repeating digits.  111 days is a nice tie in for an arbitrary scapegoat event.  Taylor Swift’s gardener’s birthday being 111 days after the start of the last concert tour and 111 weeks before this eclipse in….blah, blah, blah, blah.

Consider this post to be reinforcement on the often stated points about how gematria operates.  YouTube likes, # of views, subscriber counts ARE given undeserved significance.  “Hey Zach, there were 33 likes when I started to watch the video.  That’s evil, so I liked the video to get it off that.”


Never realizing that the evilness of 34 can be found with a little bit of research effort.

“111 people died in the wildfire!  Here’s my screenshots of every video having 111 likes!”

“Super Mega Attaboy!  These rituals are undeniable!”

Never realizing that every number up to and beyond 111 is evil.

It’s perfectly normal to attribute extraordinary events to some kind of outside force.  Something intangible like luck, karma, a benevolent deity or “being due”.  Normal in the sense that we are as a species wired for pattern recognition.  That doesn’t mean the attribution is logical or correct.  

People have unrealistic expectations for positive outcomes.  Deep down, at a subconscious level, the shittiest heroes are idolized for having done something generally considered to be wrong and gotten away with it.  Maybe if I join and go gung ho into the cult mentality I can have some of that good luck rub off on me.  Wearing your lucky shirt that you think makes your football team win is fine.  Buying a couple of lottery tickets with your lucky numbers is fine.  Idolizing someone with a proven track record of grifting on the internet, that’s not a great idea.  You will never get beyond arbitrary, spur of the moment decisions based on other factors on why you think a number means something just because you were told so today.  Stopping payment on your mortgage, taxes and utilities because you will receive “loyalty money” from a self proclaimed Queen, not a good idea.  The wake up call will be the evictions, repossessions and the electricity being turned off.

If the issue with the number of likes on a video is simply a programming error, a bug to be fixed, it will get resolved.  It just takes time.  And soon two lines of other incompatible code will create something else weird.  The phrase you are looking for is SHIT HAPPENS.  You can live with it, maybe put some effort into fixing it, or you can whine about it and give your money away to someone that deep down doesn’t give a damn about you.

Monday, August 21, 2023

The Gematria Card Game

Fairly recently Zach floated the idea of producing a gematria card game, which is a mixed blessing on if it actually came to be.  If it happens, the benefit to society is recognition of how silly the concept is before people waste resources on the bigger projects.  Like the group of gematria newbies that just lose a bit on bogus sports picks before getting sucked into the more expensive fundraisers.

And that is the reason for the idea.  Another fundraiser.  Find a group of people that show an above average level of interest.  A group of people that have been around for awhile that have dismissed the plethora of negative content regarding his personality.  The things like one day proclaiming he’s always lead a life of being a helpful Good Samaritan, and then later proclaiming all Christians are stupid and religion is the worst thing ever.  (And I might add, wishing death and harm upon them.)

It’s also a good time to report that the plans to have a trip to NYC for 9/11 are scrapped.  Not because that last year it didn’t really go all that well.  NYC law enforcement is used to people with odd ideas grifting on 9/11, showing up to protest and putting out social media fundraisers.  They had the perfect reaction, which I assume is part of the training - do not engage.  Just stand there, making sure the crazies don’t cross the barricades, letting them rant and not engaging and not giving them an excuse to be caught on camera doing something dicey that backfires.  Good job NY.  No, it’s not that NYC is a bad business proposition, but the chance to create a fundraiser to go to Hawaii instead.  Capitalizing on human misery for an island vacation instead of a long car trip to NYC.So using my knowledge of gematria prediction, here’s what happens if the card game talk continues.  A group of mid level marks presents itself as being interested.  These are courted with talk about how they’ve stepped up and are really making a difference in the community.  Those that remain adamant about how it’s a dumb idea are targets for those courted to feel superior to.  Talk of the card game proceeds to a production phase, where more funds are needed.  A lot more funds are needed.  Like, buying a building in OKC that of course never happened level of funds needed.  Then, something will go wrong that is an excuse to just keep the money.  Rinse, repeat when the next big project comes along.

When your cult leader constantly is asking for money, it’s time to wake up.

I imagine the card game itself would be pretty lame.  Naturally when the idea was presented it wasn’t fully fleshed out about the game mechanics.  (Gives the coproducers the warm fuzzies to add input.)  But it was a trivia game.  That was not the most well thought out plan.  

By the way it operates gematria is trivial.  Reducing a complex situation like the response to a tragedy like the Hawaii wildfires to a two or three digit number?  Trivial.  <whiny font>But this equals xxx, and so does this.  How do you explain that?  What are the odds?</whiny font>. Yeah, with the trivial way you operate, 100% chance you’ll find something to tie in.  Once you tie in a nontrivial number like 5,893,211,076, 525 we ‘ll talk.

What I’m really wondering about is figuring out exactly who wins this game?  Changing numbers to mean anything you want - gematria is designed to be a no lose project for the gullible.  You want to make the story about wildfires.  You can do that.  You want to make it about your favorite NBA team’s star point guard?  You can do that.  You want to make it about the Antichrist?  You can do that.  You want to make it about intergalactic penguin aliens that have time travel death rays shooting out their eyes?  Yep.  A true competition has a winner and at least one loser.  If everyone gets a participation award of equal value - thanks for playing and give the host an entry fee and a tip on the way out.

Your host is not going to take sides before the game starts.  After years of picking both teams to win there is a firm pattern of non favoritism.  The host will simply 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Breaking YouTube -Part 1

As a preliminary to how it ties in to the world of misinformation with limited speculation on what’s going on, I’ve managed to break YouTube.  The speculative part.  I’m assuming it’s just for myself.  It’s probably related to my constant FAFO attitude on the mechanics of how YouTube operates.  It seems like it’s a bug instead of deliberate foul play (i.e hacking or virus).  Only time will tell.  Which is important for Part 2 and maybe a Part 3 depending on my decision to keep the posts to a reasonably digestible length.

Good science requires creation of a hypothesis that can be experimentally tested and checking the results to see if there’s any merit to your theory.  (Theory meaning idea not established science Theory of Gravity/Evolution type theory).  In all fairness I admit to bypassing having any clue to what I’m doing, and just half assed plunge in and look what happens.  However, there is a method to my madness.  I engage in a lot of counterintuitive activity.  On purpose.  And by a lot I mean a gazillion metric tons whole lot.  I’m purposefully looking ahead to “What happens if a random not very bright person does something strange or a purposefully malicious person tries to take advantage of the system?”

There are lots of parts to effective computer coding.  The small taste you get in a high school level class doesn’t tell you about the parts fitting together as a whole.  You learn [Perform A; Perform B; Check if C; Output X if C>0; Other Output D; Return to Start unless Counter=E] or something similar.  Like a machine, the more moving parts there are, the greater the chance something goes wrong.  If you code [block climate change denial] and it messes with the code for [verify legit advertising] it’s back to square one.  Social media is a business and therefore trying to make money (duh).  By US Constitutional standards they are allowed to operate without direct interference by the government.  What I object to is the often lack of human intervention and reliance on algorithms to moderate while things are going wrong.

Years ago and for a fictitious example, you would watch one video where somebody put out content related to how they knew the winner of the big lottery prize.  Then Alex Jones and company would spam the Internet insisting that the person did not really exist.  Less than brilliant people would share the untrue negative story and just by math suck people into the rabbit hole of crisis actors, evil empires and hoaxes.  YouTube did finally, after years of complaints, stop boosting the hoax videos instead of algorithmically just assuming that because you watched one lottery winner video you were interested in more.

But things are always going wrong and nothing is perfect.  So here’s the meat and potatoes of what I’ve found.  Screenshot 1:  One of the top trending videos of the day.  A music video, 1.6 million views.  #3 trending for music. 8k comments and….. only 111 likes?!?  WTF?

Screenshot 2:  The same video less than a minute later.  But on the browser version of YouTube, not the app.  The stats on the number of likes is “fixed”.  130k likes for a top trending is much more believable.

Screenshot 3.  Semi random music video from someone that doesn’t get a lot of traffic.  111 likes with only 5 views?  A gazillion metric tons of WTF!?!

I’m not disclosing my exact method that is likely the cause of this.  I’m fairly certain for now I can duplicate this kind of result.  Here’s some other info.  Every single video I checked had exactly 111 likes.  It didn’t matter what channel or type of content was there. The only change was if I liked a video it would tick up the count to 112.  I was able to almost duplicate this the following day where the like total for every video was 110 instead of 111.

Without spoiling the upcoming part(s) too much, imagine this happening to your average conspiracy minded drone with reality problems based in delusional thinking.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


The Maui nonsense continues.  News outlets have picked up on the chatter and really aren’t helping on reporting and amplifying the bogus message:

Fire conspiracy to theories

This is old school Alex Jones style conspiracy theorizing. Start with a crisis or tragedy, post content with no basis in fact, then amplify the message as long as it’s still current news.  In the meantime, every Internet grifter trolls through the videos looking for exceptionally vulnerable targets.  Often, those targets are people looking to help and are experiencing disinformation for the first time or early in the infancy of exposure to disinformation.  So, lasers burn stuff…sounds good so far.

Part of Hubbard’s circle doesn’t do gematria, but they certainly post comments and gather attention by cross pollination through disinformation addicts endlessly doom scrolling on social media.  One such fellow put out a video last night about how super power lasers started the fire.  The gimmick of choice was a high powered, handheld blue laser, and a toilet paper roll.

Because somehow a visible blue laser beam and visible toilet paper is an explanation for invisible space lasers.  While the explanation of lasers operating is the exact opposite of invisibility and it’s right there in the name:  

Light AMPLIFICATION by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

You need to amplify your invisible laser beam to some pretty incredible level to achieve that invisibility?  Or do you need to reduce the visibility and make the laser light less powerful?  What exactly is going on with this magic laser beam?  Oh, that’s right.  It’s magic.  It’s invisible just because I said so.

Everything in the modern conspiracy theory community is invisible.  And it’s one of the ways to separate a genuine argument from a logically fallacious position.  A real conspiracy can be uncovered.  The light bulb cartels making building obsolescence into bulbs to sell more bulbs.  Having your co conspirators rat you out for a reduced sentence.  The government testing LSD on people.  These, especially that last one, can give the conspiracy newbie a taste of the sweet life full of paranoia and delusion.  Arguing about this on social media makes you sooooooooo cool.

Here’s the gradient on increased conspiracy belief

Belief in real conspiracies that have been uncovered —>Belief in conspiracies that are plausible, but not yet known (generally harmless) —>Belief in conspiracies that are harmful and have no real evidence —>Belief in conspiracies that you need to make up evidence on your own to support the conspiracy

Gematria proof is invisible.  There’s no connection to any number to any person that can’t be countered by another narrative.  There will never be a Freemason that will credibly give an interview stating about his time involved in rigging a basketball game.  There will never be a gematria sports predictor that will post a full slate of the weekend’s NFL games far in advance that gets every game correct.  The invisible cabal that wants to flip the script to make them look bad is, well, invisible.

A whistleblower coming forward that proves your electoral fraud conspiracy - invisible.  They disappeared and we don’t know where they are.  Viruses are a hoax, the real cause of your illness - invisible.  The world is overheating - invisible lasers.  When you were a child, the monster under your bed couldn’t get you if you pulled the blanket over your head.  Because only visible monsters would have the strength to rip the blanket off.  And Mike Lindell hasn’t invented the My Blanket including patented anti invisible monster and anti invisible laser beam protection, yet.  (Or if he has the blanket is also invisible.)

You know what else is invisible?  Psychological projection.  Instead of being cool because you actually are cool, the conspiracy theorist projects an aura of knowledge, expertise and benevolence by attacking those with the actual knowledge, expertise and benevolence.  I don’t remember who said it, but it was something like, “I have a dream where people are judged by the content of their character and not by making up invisible bogeymen to get the temporary warm, fuzzy feeling of superiority by bullying someone.”

The number one defense for invisible conspiracies is trying to shift the burden of proof.  Naturally, that defense is itself invisible.  No, I’m not wrong - you’re wrong.  No, you’re wrong.  No, I said you’re wrong.  The basis of political discourse these days.  Because cooperation is also invisible.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Stop Complaining About Two And Three Digit Numbers

 There was just a video from last night that featured -


The start of the video is the main point of this <sarcasm font>super important number.</sarcasm font>. Trump’s 4th indictment coming up in the 4th State, Georgia.

Just try and go through a day without finding the number four.  It’s not going to happen.  Single digit numerology has existed since digits were first created.  A common example is astrology/spirituality life numbers.  Here you go, your life number is a 9.  9’s are generous, great in bed, but tend at times to act irrationally.  Note the format is positive traits people enjoy being associated with as well as a vague negative that can be disassociated at a whim.  I don’t feel irrational today, so I’m just not going to accept that today.  Or tomorrow.  Or the day after that.  Or ever, because I’ve done my own research on the Internet, and I found out that single digit numbers are super important.

So over a hundred comments on this video, and not a one (at least that wasn’t in the replies which I didn’t check) acknowledges this astounding single digit’s moment in the sun.  Which means, there are people that probably disassociated this as being tacky as they post things about the current death toll in Hawaii of 93 (having forgotten that when it was lower that was the most important number ever), and talking about how “people who deny this subject are crazy!”

Well, Your Honor, I saw the number 4 today and that’s my lucky number!  When I was a kid playing that Life board game I won with that final spin once out of 10 times by picking the number 4.

In Gematria, like in mathematics, small numbers are a building block to larger, more statically significant numbers.  The mind of the initiate, as they fall prey to the cult leader tactics of “no comment is worthless as long as you didn’t piss me off in recent history”, they build on four and make it bigger.  4 example, videos B4 this found 4tuitous circumstances to do word association.  Now 44 is doubly significant.  And if 44 is significant then 88 is two times four and all kinds of other weird math, transpositions and dropping numbers on a whim.  104.  Drop that 0 and multiply 1x4=4.

Oh yeah, it’s a building block video.  But not in a learning magic of gematria sense.

There’s at least one comment referencing how awesome it is that Hubbard took the time off from writing his book to crank out some angry ranting, which is the best selling format he has.

Like Toys R Us in their glory days, Hubbard’s books are dirt cheap or even free the same way the Life board game would be sold at less than cost.  Dragging people into the store to get them to do impulse shopping.  Purchasers of the book are courted to join the next levels of the cult.  Patreon donations, Superchat donations, paying for gas money on the next road trip.

I can’t wait to see what Chapter 4 is about.

While doubling down is a sign of being deeply invested, this is the beginning, the chum thrown into the water.  A small taste to find out who wants to go for the full meal.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Doubling Down Again and Again

Gematria Club has been making a pest of themselves for 7+ years on Twitter.  Supposedly it’s a Gary the Numbers guy affiliated account.  Gary, like Zachary Hubbard, has helped put the baseless in baseless conspiracies using the sports are rigged, everything is evil, buy my sports picks angle.  The modus operandi is so similar they could be the same person.

Now this particular nugget of dinosaur wisdom has already made the rounds of social media, and has already been debunked several times over.

A simple Google search for phrases of dinosaur bone oil stories reveals that at least once every couple years somebody has felt the need to explain that this is a myth.

In the conspiracy theory world, and by extension our global political atmosphere, doubling down is not just common it’s expected.  Some of the most popular social media accounts are so focused on demonizing the “other side” that when they get caught red handed posting something proven to be wrong they can be expected to not just ignore the correct information, but immediately go on the counterattack.

Doubling down and defending an indefensible position is a sure sign of someone that is closed minded to the correct information.  In the same manner, tripling, quadrupling, septupling down by continually posting old misinformation elevates the poster to disinformation land.  They are not concerned with correct information, they are concerned with the rotating target audience.  And that target audience has already had a life full of being told they’re wrong.

Gematria Club on Twitter is operating as one of those accounts that is fully aware that they are not providing any useful service to help others.  Selling sports picks instead of actually being so talented they could make enough money betting by themselves.  The higher end of the multilevel marketing scam.  Doubling down is a characteristic they are searching for.  Psychologically the person that has graduated from the phase of posting comments on a YouTube video to defending an indefensible stance requires more effort to be unconvinced.

The gradient works something like this.

Zach, I love your videos, you rule! —> Zach, here’s $10 because I love your content so much! —> Zach, I started my own YouTube channel! —> Zach, I’ll meet you in NYC to help scream at passers by that 911 is a hoax!  Not Zach—>You are wrong because Zach said so!  Not Zach —> Shit, I lost my job and nobody else will hire me because my social media had me talking about people needing a bullet in the head.  (Or maybe some content less extreme, but you get the idea.)

Just like the alcoholic who spontaneously gets fed up with the directly cost, the employment problems that come with that, the cost of the associated health care and or legal fees, there are those that get the message far along down the rabbit hole gradient.  It’s much better for society to get no further than the $10 because I love your content phase, something akin to realizing that social drinking for entertainment is fine.  Towards the upper end our alcoholic friend is insisting they perform better at their job because they only get really wasted on the weekends and calling off work on Monday because the Chargers game was the late game is something everybody does.  And drives their car into the house at that nasty curve they took at 75 miles per hour.

The obvious example of extreme doubling down is Donald Trump.  Social media content of Trump supporters is heavily invested in “he’s not a liberal” instead of having a valid arsenal of facts to support what good he’s doing.  Constant expensive legal troubles, throwing his co-conspirators under the bus, the constant cover ups to avoid accountability.  And the left isn’t a whole lot better.  Now there is a need to overcompensate by claiming, at least my guy is not Trump, Boebert, Greene or Santos.  Give me money.  The political grifting scene has exploded, duplicating the conspiracy grifting format.

Doubling down on conspiracy content is a signal that somebody is advanced far into being completely closed minded.  It would be nice for a change to see an honest debate about real issues instead of constantly rehashing old, discredited information.  But there’s a new sheriff in town, and he owns Twitter.  He’s at the saloon right now, let’s see what happens.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Unhappily Mauied

This reminds me of 2017 when the World Series ended up being the Astros and Dodgers.  For years Zach operated by picking a theme to operate around.  Chinese year of the calendar = xxx, focus on that animal.  Super Bowl being played in the 98th year, predict success for TOM BRADY = 98 because it’s rigged as opposed to Tom Brady arguably being the best quarterback ever.  And back in 2017 we had two things going on in the disaster news.

One of the worst hurricane seasons ever:

And California wildfires.  So for many, many weeks the ritual was fire vs. water and how every single pitch meant something.  And the sports gematria scammers got to rely on their number one tactic - picking both teams.  Something was in the news about fire or water on a daily basis.

The first chosen screenshot here is basic and boring, but trust me the entire comments is a shitstorm of confirmation bias nonsense.  Now we have the Maui wildfire instead of California wildfires to focus on.  They love themselves some tragedy to whine about.  The source video is from someone that could be called an evangelical preacher as an accurate description.  And it’s the fire and brimstone sermon type instead of looking for connections to Jesus being a source of unending love.  The congregation is talking about these points:

The end of the world is coming

It’s a hoax because Hawaii is tropical and surronded by water, so no way is there any fire.

It’s a ritual showing how Michelle Obama is destined to be president.

Except that she’s a man so it’s Mike Obama.

Barrack Obama was born in Kenya.

Everything Obama related.

It’s not a hoax, but actually the result of directed energy weapons.

Individually reported death tolls “mean something” even though more people die as time guys on, replacing the old reported total with a new total that “means something”.  

There are death rituals related to Hollywood actors going on.

It’s not just DEW, the alphabet soup agencies involved are also HAARP and DARPA.

Entire states in the US are going to be sacrificed.

Somebody is reminded that Trump is going to die and be replaced by AI.

It’s smart meteors and 5G.


There’s algae in Pennsylvania.

It’s methane burning.

And there’s more I missed for sure, I didn’t look through replies to comments.

If it was one person making these comments it would be a gosh gallop of extraordinary magnitude.  Here it’s crank magnetism dialed up to 11.  There is no way it’s both a nonexistent hoax fire and an actual fire created by a nefarious cabal.  It means something about an Obama, Trump, celebrity deaths from Hollywood or entire other states in the IS.  Make up your mind.

Except that making up your mind isn’t the point.  The creator of the video has no intention of stepping in and saying that an individual comment is stupid.  The point is to allow the individual viewing the video to latch on to the wide variety of topics thrown out there.  They’ve got pretty much all the major ones covered just by the easy association of Hawaii with Obama - racism, homophobia (the Mike thing is really old) mistrust your government and of course that deadly algae problem.

And then the grifters, totally unconcerned about gematria and insanity going on related to that have a more lucid argument.  The original screenshot above?  Well the death tolls already bigger.  36 is not 666, it’s a different number.  Hey, what’s this in the comments?

It’s an advertisement.  And they don’t even put up any nonsense about the fire.  And at 82 likes and 12 replies it got far more attention than any comment in the video.  The goal being to funnel the unsuspecting, gullible target audience to a doomed to fail get rich quick scheme.

Since the reality is that like the rest of the entire world Hawaii has dried out and more susceptible to wildfires (if you think about it, technically every land mass is surrounded by water, we’re just quibbling about scale) and now government funds are being diverted to aid, somebody has interrupted the conversation to inject the idea that it’s not hopeless, you can cash in on this.

Talk to me about free speech and saying whatever you want on the Internet after researching the strong correlation between belief in baseless conspiracies and the associated grifting.  Funds that would help victims of disaster are getting diverted to scammers.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Conspiracy Economics - Competition


One of the weirdest aspects about the explosion of conspiracy misinformation on social media is how competition simultaneously promotes the conspiracy and attacks opposing conspiracy theories.  The opposing conspiracies aren’t necessarily directly diametrically opposed (e.g. belief in flat Earth as well as gematria using GPS coordinates).  They are opposed to the marks giving money away to other grifters.

An example from not social media - let’s say you’re creating a microbrew beer in your basement.  You learn the basics of actual making of it, your friends and family give positive feedback and you get convinced to try and supply a stock to some of the local bars in the area.  But, there are already two competitors in that bar.  So what are you going to do to gain attention outside your small circle of friends to gain market share and keep growing?  You can promote the hell out of the positive aspects of your beer and how great it is.  Or, if you’re brewing Gematria Lite, you can attack the existing beers relentlessly.  ABC brand beer is poison!  I don’t have any evidence for this other than I said so!  123 brand beer tastes like shit!  Well, that’s subjective, but your target audience loves complaining, so that helps.

New to social media conspiracy channels have a microbrewery.  They are learning how to go from 50 views per video to a dream of 1000’s per video.  Whether they are fully aware of the grifting and that’s the goal, or they’ve been duped into believing that it helps the cause is not important.  Whether by subconscious osmosis of what’s going on in the truth community surrounding them or direct input from a ringleader, they have learned that advertising your social media requires attacking the enemy.

You don’t see beer companies making ads that say the other brand is actually better.  You also don’t see them making ads that have clear falsehoods.  If ABC beer is not actually poison, there’s a successful lawsuit to be won.  No, they’re going to stick to something subjective like the taste or how it has a nicer head of foam.  The goal is to get the target audience at the bar to make a decision on what beer to buy at the bar NOW.  Regardless of long term faithfulness to the brand based on actual product quality.  These are decisions a low level person in the conspiracy pyramid scheme is making.

The mid level is a person who is trying to manufacture beer themselves.  They want to know exactly what ingredients to use.  They want some tips on the process, how long to ferment, proper cleaning and maintenance of the equipment.  And maybe some tips on higher level marketing like nailing a celebrity endorsement.  They want some staying power instead of just making it for their own enjoyment.  They don’t want to invest time and money to just have the equipment collecting dust in the basement.

In pops in Gematria Lite with promises of an ultimately unachievable goal.  Do this today (buy a beer at the bar) and you are the most important person in your circle (your basement microbrewery).  Here’s a packet of yeast.

The gematria tools are even less beneficial than a packet of yeast.  Superficially designed for success, it’s impossible to not find a match after limited training.  There’s no real rules to follow.  How many ciphers are the correct number?  Drop zeroes and double digits are actually one?  Transpose numbers?  Prime numbers?  I’m allowed to pick both teams, what kind of sense does that make?  Instead of brewing their own beer successfully, the gematria user is trying to just get to the point where they enjoyed that one beer that one time months ago.

The master brewers love how the microbrewer can’t achieve any true competitive status.  The microbrewer is missing the one key piece to the puzzle.  The marketing skill to sell the useless packet of yeast to other microbrewers.  People like Zach are not selling the idea of gematria success, they are selling their marketing skill.  How to be successful at getting away with calling ABC beer poison without getting sued.  How to be as disrespectful as possible without getting ostracized beyond the family and schoolmates that already find you creepy and weird without getting your YouTube channel deleted and fired from your job.

If you’re doing it wrong, and you’re always doing it wrong, your bogus master brewer will throw more useless info at you.  You forgot to use water, duh - you’re an idiot, try harder.  And if you actually figure out what the product really is, the hatred.  Well, don’t try and sell your beer at the same bar as me.  The claws come out.

The problem that the master brewers have to overcome is the limited supply of microbrewers.  There’s a fair number of microbrewer wannabes that have dreams of master brewing.  Finding the microbrewer is an art form.  You simultaneously want to encourage belief in every conspiracy under the sun, at the same time as discouraging those that have figured out your scam enough that they are dangerously close to stealing some of your precious market share.

And some microbrewers just never figure it out.  These are the people with enough psychological damage that don’t get that subconsciously they are constantly being reinforced (bad sports pick, again; didn’t add water to the yeast packet) they are wrong all the time, while simultaneously, verbally and in print, being told they are right (narrative for the other team; your beer is awesome) they are right all the time.  Like slot machine addicts that don’t get one lucky spin doesn’t make up for losing ten times as much the entire night, they only remember the short term success of that one beer they enjoyed this week.

That one glass of ABC beer that was left out overnight that made you sick because you drank it and it’s generous supply of bacteria doesn’t make all ABC beer poison.  That one 123 beer you found exceptionally refreshing because you spent the previous two hours doing yard work in the hot sun doesn’t make 123 the best tasting beer to everybody all the time.  There’s room in your life to enjoy both if standards are met.  Whether you impose them on yourself or get forced do it is up to you.  Your government doesn’t want you to drink one because it tastes better, they want you to stop leaving it out overnight because there will always be idiots that drink it anyway.  What never helps is wasting resources on a packet of yeast that is marketing nothing but conflict.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Conspiracy Economics - No Honor Among Thieves

It doesn’t matter which side of the street you enter from.  One direction is financial benefit leading towards constant not following rules.  One direction is not following rules leading to some financial hook now that they have your attention.  But be very clear - there is a strong correlation between the weirdness, as silly as at seems at times, towards a financial hook.

The first picture is someone already heavily invested in the sovereign citizen pseudolegal arguments where the people who are owed money want that money.  Years worth of unpaid taxes and utilities, a fair chunk of change for sure.  Add up the penalties and interest and this is a life altering disaster.  And the begging for help from the cult leader.  Queen Romana - yeah…that ain’t gonna happen.  We’ll get back to her in a bit.

The second picture is someone heavily invested in the narrative that vaccinations are the worst thing ever.  Having fallen for the cult control tactics, they are at the point where pretty much nothing can persuade them otherwise, as can be seen that their own dialogue debunks their own arguments.  Of course a new variant goes after the unvaxxed.  If you had been vaccinated you wouldn’t have the problems you have now.

Crank magnetism compounded by relentless grifting keeping the feedback loop going.  Keeping the feedback loop going, where there’s not enough resources to combat everyone disinforming the public and settling for the occasional ringleader that goes too far where something really needs done about it.

It’s worth noting that Queen Romana just gave a speech that included death sentences for those who disobey her.  These types of comments generally follow after one of the flock has gotten fed up with not getting the results expected.  Promised not having to pay bills and it being fine.  Friends and family that know what’s going on are only providing negative feedback because of concern or abandoning them entirely.  The economic cost of the endgame of conspiracy belief is to be avoided.  The promises are always hollow.  There’s no honor in thieves, the ability to callously steal does not allow room for compassion.

Bearing in mind the cost of wasted resources by waiting to do something before it’s too late, awareness is for now the best that we can hope for.  The earlier the wake up call before becoming too heavily invested in the narrative, the better.  Our governments seem to be stuck in a rut of waiting until it’s too late before action.  One of their big tools?  Relying on how there’s no honor among thieves.  Alex Jones ex-employees don’t want to go to jail?  Turn on him.  You participated in the January 6th riot?  Give me some dirt on those higher up on the food chain.

For the same reason that forced vaccinations have a problem - the scared, vulnerable and confused are neurologically ill equipped to cope with being told to contradict an ingrained pattern.  Having chosen a hero, they don’t want to “snitch” on that hero unless forced to.  The same reason that the work code of honor says you don’t snitch on your brethren for taking that 17th cigarette break of the day.  If you’re at the point of forcing someone to snitch to save their ass, it’s already too late.

There probably will come a time where education will include a better understanding of grifting techniques on the Internet than is happening now.  The same way that eventually the 419 scam lost the actual Nigerian Prince and they started selling for new and fresher variations.  And therein lies the problem.  Even if gematria disappears, somebody will think up a new weirdness that will take off.

Effective warfare requires a degree of misinformation.  Propaganda leaflets dropped from planes, the feint for the strategically important hill that was cover for the real target of the supply depot, D-Day and all the cover up that worked to make it happen.  So what do you do in a cyber war when the tactic is misinformation itself?  Combat it with information.  Instead of pushing back against subjects in school deemed too dire for our babies to handle we need to tell our politicians we are fed up with misinformation.

Snitch on them.  Vote them out.  The good ones are the ones you don’t hear much about.  The ones that are encouraging the drones with limited critical thinking skills to get out and keep their political grift alive.  Don’t be afraid to go to a school board meeting and challenge the vocal and obnoxious Karen spouting off hatred and bigotry with no empirical evidence.  Learn some of the phrases that aren’t too antagonistic that cause some of the more entrenched to double down; see if they are open to genuine dialogue or are just being contrary for the sake of being contrary.  Here’s one to start you off?

So, explain to me what kind of evidence I need to provide that could change your mind?  None?? Ok, there’s your problem.

There’s some pretty basic math involved.  If everyone is stealing and nobody is producing, what is there to steal?

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Between A Rock And An Angry Rock

If there’s an Internet strategy game out there that’s legitimately fun, free and has a concept that is fresh and innovative, I’ve never found out.  Movies are the same now.  Shymalan came out like a gang buster, then changed into a shadow of his former self with not just bad, but amazingly bad content.  Reproducing, or at least trying to reproduce the success of someone else is way easier than the effort to achieve ground breaking new success.

Economics, unlike the hard sciences, is geared towards just treading water and not looking ahead while building on the past knowledge.  The Rat Race is a huge time suck.  The few people that are truly happy with what they are doing are few and far between.  Making a difference in the world, becoming admired by family, friends and random people and what you do to make money are not necessarily lining up together.

As a dedicated sociopath, I’ve never fully appreciated the need for attention while understanding that it is important to others.   Being thrust into an employment situation, you are now required to follow a set of rules of conduct to interact with other people.  Your life experiences have already trained your brain - socialization.  And you’ve internalized a set of rules for getting along with other people.  Now there’s a brand new set of work rules, and these don’t line up 100% with what you think you should be doing.  The people that are not you far outnumber the people that are you.  Some self confidence is healthy, but the extremely cognitively biased demonstrate early on that they simply do not care about following other rules other than the directives of their own confused noggin.

Whether this is poor socialization (nurture), there’s something wrong with the wiring (nature), or they have discovered the joys of grifting (more nurture) is not important.  These people exist and they are out their in the wild, and they are a huge pain in the ass.  They disrupt the workplace, the family, the church congregation.  And social media.

And boy do they love being the king of social media.  Eventually the people that are not you at other gatherings will stop inviting you to the weekly poker game.  You will get fired from work for not wearing pants.  Again.  The people at church will get up and move to a different pew, muttering some excuse about needing to catch up with Bill over there that they haven’t seen in ages, with ages actually being last Sunday.

The Internet is a strange contradiction, where the only people who get along with people who don’t get along with other people are people who don’t get along with other people.

Instead of learning the much needed lesson of sucking it up and taking one for the team to fit in, you are allowed on the Internet to just keeping on doing your own thing regardless of the consequences.  In real life pain in the ass takes a back seat to Internet pain in the ass while the critical thinking impaired brain is being trained, mostly by the grifting community, to seek out and destroy anybody that demonstrates the perceived weaknesses of actual intelligence and empathy.

So, Mr./Mrs. In Real Life Pain In the Ass has just started their journey onto the Internet, and what are some of the things that happen that go wrong with the socialization? 

 Social media’s existence.

It’s supposed to be fun.  Sharing recipes, pictures of your family vacation, pets, and other real life not pain in the ass things.  And as soon as businesses found out about “social” media they dove right in.  Of course.  Social media is supposed to be fun and free.  Nothing is fun and free.  There have to be advertisers to charge to pay the bills.  Somebody trying to talk you into booking their airline for the family vacation.  Someone trying to sell you the bestest dog toy ever.  Somebody trying to sell you spices for that carrot cake recipe.

As soon as the algorithms latch on to how much you like a fun issue, the grifting starts.  You like pharmaceuticals to ease your symptoms?  Try my homeopathy.  You like shooting at the target range?  Try my survival gear with a side dish of sovereign citizen content.  You want a pet black mamba?  You’re stupid enough to believe pretty much anything so here’s everything else stupid.

The individual is stuck between a rock and an angry rock.  And thanks to pressure from the grifters, after showing the signs of not getting along with others, they are encouraged to continue to not get along with others.

And the social media sites themselves are stuck between the rock and the angry rock.  Relying on algorithms to separate legitimate advertising compared to angry advertising has worked……never.  The “rules” are posted which mean nothing to the people that don’t want to follow rules.  The grifters produce content to deliberately encourage not following the rules that the people that most need some rules should be following.  The biggest openly talked about issue with social media is the rock of economically trying to suck in as much money as possible with dubious practical value to society and the angry rock of not wanting to be responsible for the content.  Again I restate - saying “Stop, or I’ll say stop again!!”, doesn’t work.

The advertisers are stuck between a rock and an angry rock.  Unhappy advertisers wanting to diversify the target audience don’t want to be associated with morally reprehensible content.  Dead people don’t buy products either.  In a polarized political atmosphere roughly half of the target audience is the wrong side.

It’s no wonder that gematria got merged into the angry rock portion of the Internet.

There are no rules in gematria.

Not just an absence of rules, but encouragement to create your own rules.  People who are real life pain in the asses love making up their own rules to justify their actions.  Today it’s okay that I dropped a zero, tomorrow I do a gematria decode where 201 isn’t 21.  Today I was right on my narrative for the Warriors victory.  Tomorrow I was wrong, but I was really right because there was a narrative for both teams (there always is.)  Today I hate Christians. Tomorrow I am a Christian.  Today my cult leader died in an accident.  Tomorrow he faked his death and he’s still alive.  On and on it goes.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Conspiracy Theory Economics 201 - YouTube

CTE 101 is easy.  Every good scam needs a target.  Find target.  Run the scam.  Collect the money.  The greatest asset of modern conspiracy grifting is an audience predisposed to be ignorant of the danger and coming to you on social media instead of you searching them out.

There was a time on YouTube not that long ago where things were a bit different.  The more advanced brains in the grifting world figured out how to manipulate the algorithms to boost their narrative.

The algorithm didn’t care if it suggested Celebrity John Doe legitimate death story versus Celebrity John Doe bullshit story.  An easy to figure out ploy was mass production of bullshit stories and let the math take care of the rest.  The susceptible minds would land on the less than sincere content, enter into the rabbit hole and nature took its course.  At one time the dislike button actually counted the dislikes, or at least displayed them.  You could actually create a bunch of sock puppets and have conversations with yourself to either agree or disagree just to keep traffic going.

These type of things haven’t disappeared completely yet some are more difficult and require more effort to achieve the goal.

Legitimate YouTube content operates roughly like this.

Create a channel.

Promote your channel.

Qualify for advertising revenue.

And most of the interesting ideas have been taken up by this point.  Creation of a fresh and exciting new idea is not necessary for the conspiracy grifter.  Like Democrats endlessly whining about the Republicans and vice versa, the goal is to become a parasite.  You are posting what’s wrong with the legitimate content, relying on logical fallacies and the types of debating arguments designed to win an argument without being right.  To approach the top of the multilevel marketing pyramid you need help.  The more clueless the help the better.  Some of the target audience is only useless for short term donations.  You need some that have a bit more staying power, the mid level tier of the pyramid.

This is a site of dubious value.  To me it reeks of narrative boosting funneling outside of but related to YouTube.

A new YouTuber who has gotten curious and into so called truth seeking might either independently decide they love the new found attention they’ve been getting and start a new channel on their own, or they may be pressured into performing in a manner more in line with what the cult leader says they should be doing.  Legitimate YouTube- the main source of content that drives the algorithm recommendations is the like button.  Because of the math, sharing is encouraged.  It’s simultaneously amusing and distressing as the cult leader waffles between bragging about how much money they make and begs for likes and shares as if they were a homeless person that hasn’t eaten in three days.

The ringleader has some tools to throw at the potential MLM middle tier.

1)  Recorded videos - the comments section.  Legit YouTubers can’t keep up with thousands of comments on a video with millions of views.  Not a problem for the MLM cult leader.  Like every positive reply.  Throw a couple channel ❤️s into the better, more adoring comments.  Give the people who don’t get attention in real life attention.

2)  Livestream and livestream chat - Legit YouTubers promote trusted individuals to monitor the chat for the inevitable trolling from those that think it’s more fun to disrupt than to be a team player.  Give the MLM people a wrench.  I’ve seen conspiracy videos with every comment being made by someone with a wrench, which is super pointless.  That is unless you realize it’s a perk to give attention instead of functionality.  It’s like a channel ❤️ on a comment on steroids.  An ego booster.  These people are not under fire from trolls so much as there to do the whining for likes and shares since the cult leader is busy live streaming.

3)  Linking to other social media - YouTube is the bread and butter, but you need to keep access to all parts of the rabbit hole.  Every major social media platform is bombarded with links to YouTube.  While your ads for products promote ads for something tangible, this is your advertising for the YouTube content.  Social media platforms like what used to be Facebook and what used to be Twitter don’t algorithmically check YouTube links.  This is also a golden opportunity to pump up the ego of the MLM middle tier.  Zach is famous for comments like, “Support this young man’s channel, he’s doing great work for the community!!”  More like, “I can’t believe this fish is still on the hook!!  More free advertisement for me!!”

The main purpose of all this - to generate as much traffic as possible.  Having a rotating crop of freshly supplied MLM middle tier to seek out the lower tier since invading others legitimate channels by trolling their content is too much work for the leader.

Returning to that link, it’s super outdated.  But it does show that actual monetary ad revenue for a new conspiracy channel is not anything to get excited about, which I believe is accurate.  The MLM middle tier isn’t supposed to know and understand this.  Big YouTube channels pop up on some of the most remarkably idiotic content, and the lure of making it big like that is lingering in the mind of the cognitively impaired, never realizing they are more likely to be struck by lightning simultaneously while they win a million dollars in the lottery.  At the bottom, a list of so called similar channels.  Our friendly algorithms have picked some rather odd choices there.  That’s not important to our lesson here.  What is important is the worm in the brain that allying yourself with similar content is necessary.  So, who better to ally yourself with than other conspiracy content?  That’s the actual similar content.  Even the more feeble minded make that connection, especially when spurred on by the top tier.

Also in that link, a review of what the channels content is.  That’s a fail, a big time fail.  Legitimate YouTube wants your content to reach as many people as possible.  They really don’t care if Draft Kings gets ads on bogus sports picks.  A potential MLM middle tier is probably already involved in some other pseudoscience and scam content.  Healing crystals and spirituality, the weirder thoughts in the cryptocurrency world, homeopathy, sovereign citizen content, etc….  What do you think happens to them when a site like this recommends Gematria Effect News as a similar channel?  They’re going to think it’s a good idea.

No, YouTube is not the source of the income itself.  It’s the biggest part of the economic framework.  It’s the marketing and how the product of hatred is advertised.  The MLM middle tier with their wrenches and mostly unseen blogs and their videos with less than 1000 views are asking for donations via Superchat, PayPal and Patreon subscriptions.  These middle tier people are a huge asset in the overall economy, constantly having been badgered into how constitutional rights are being violated when they really aren’t.  When a bot gets censored, they don’t fight back.  The MLM middle tier does.  Naturally they haven’t received any real monetary compensation for their effort - the YouTube system isn’t designed for that.  The end result is more frustration and continued cycling through the feedback loop of being disillusioned and disenfranchised.  

This is why there are people who consistently post content that is wrong about every single topic.  Sure, it’s heavily boosted by bot generated content.  That traffic is the Nigerian Prince spam email of modern times.  But it’s far more effective to have a real human with real emotions (as misguided as they are) fighting back.